
Why do I do what I do and what is simply irrelevant?

Hello! I’m back!

So just a quick update. I’ll be pretty busy in two weeks’ time, with new courses starting and all. Thus, it seems pretty appropriate for me to reduce my article posting frequency from two to one per week.

Yep, will be pretty busy all the way till December!

But I’ll still post because why? I want to.

…Anyway, so, let’s get started!

The topic of today’s article is going to be why we do the things we do.

You see, while it’s really easy to just go to the surface level and see so many things just externally, it’s really!! important to know the internal too.

Just a quick example, see. For instance, a person is quiet. Why? Hmm, well in some scenarios it could indeed be because of say, shyness and social anxiety. But, at the same time, it very well couldn’t! Don’t be so quick to judge!

Instead, perhaps the person is just perfectly!! comfortable as they are… That’s just the mode of expression in social settings that the universe granted them, and it’s already their highest!! state of being. Couldn’t conceivably be more perfect, their level of behavior.

Why then! The clear conclusion from this example is that, well! A person could be exhibiting a certain behaviour, but that could be motivated, fuelled by a whole couple of options!! So if you really wanna get to know someone, you probably got to talk to them and find out their why.

Alright, I’m rambling a little. Back to the topic.

Now, let me use myself as an example for a bit, okay. So, for instance, there are some things that I try to do daily in my free time, such as, like, reading a Japanese light novel or listening to a Japanese podcast. And not so long ago, bla bla bla too hard to explain, I wondered: are my intentions pure and wholesome?

Simply put, it was like this. Do I listen to the Japanese podcast because of a negation of nihilism, the fear of not having anything to do aka a lack of meaning, or is it because of love? A love for the activity! itself???

See, I mean, I suppose some may view this as overthinking even, but hey! When you’re deeply interested in all these mindset things the subtleties really matter a lot too.

Why am I listening to the podcast? Is it for the negation of the negative… or is it because of the positive!

Well! The pure, correct answer would obviously to be to do it because of the positive! First of all, fear is a negative expression and kind of low energetically. Now love is the opposite of it! It’s a positive expression and high energetically! Now if you ask me to whip up a quote, um. Fear… is where the wholeness of love has yet to take root.

Basically, let me go back to why I am even incorporating Japanese into my daily routine in the first place. Well! Isn’t it because I super enjoy it now? Why then have I fallen so low to the point where I just partake in it in order to avoid having a lack of meaning in my life?!!

It doesn’t make sense!!!

No! Instead, I should be engaging in the activity thoroughly for the enjoyment that I derive from it!!

Extending the given topic, something that is within my scope of considerations is to possibly take the JLPT N2 examinations in December. But, well! Obviously, I freaking know that it is not motivated! by ego or whatever! It’s simply not!! because the certification would give me a shiny-looking accomplishment!

Rather, my motivation for taking it was really to have a Plan B. Basically, if I can’t find any other job, I’ll just go be a Japanese teacher, hah! Will prob need some qualifications for that! And so you can see how it all fits…

But, hey! Given now that I’ll be busy for the next couple of months, extending all the way into a few months of next year well! There appears to be no need for it!

Simply put, I can simply do as I’ve always been doing and NOT get any certification for my Japanese proficiency level! And even so I WILL be able to thoroughly enjoy all its integration into my life, yeah!!!

And this integration and incorporation is precisely the meat of the pie so to speak.

See, just think about it. How do you know that something is for you?

Why, it’s precisely because it flicks your switch on and makes you come alive!!!

For instance, let’s talk about video games, pianos and such. Now, I think that some people actually, being differently abled from us, do these with their feet instead of their hands, simply because of a lack thereof! Think now to people who technically do have this option due to a lack of hand functionality. Yet, they don’t want to. Why?

Well, it’s precisely!!! because the activity in question does not mean so much to them!

And as for those who actually do said activities, albeit via a different medium than the norm because of necessity?

Well, it’s simply!!! because the activities in question spark life in them, fill them with so much vitality and vigour! In that sense, it truly defines who they are!

So basically, if you want to live to the fullest in this lifetime as a human being, not just work to survive but actually work to live!!! etc etc, one thing you really gotta do is go zero in on said things which spark you to life. Then, integrate these into your lifestyle sufficiently to max things succulently out for yourself! Ah, the experience!

Why do I do said activity? Why, it’s simply because I feel so alive! while I’m doing so!

In contrast, impure motivations for doing things, such as simply doing it because it is a part of my daily routine and I would feel myself to be lacking and not enough! if I ultimately fail to stick to it… sorry!

Nope! That’s a stain, a blemish, an imperfection! I don’t do things because of that, nope! I simply do this as… vitality awaits me!

Finally, I’ll share an additional tip or two on how to make this all work.

See, for instance, for the shooting game Valorant which I play in my free time somewhat regularly enough, I have not been doing well. Basically, I’ve been demoted 1 game and promoted back the next for literally like 3 times in a row already. And then I tell myself: what really!! is the whole point of playing this game??

Oh wait, I think I wrote a whole article on that already. Was literally my last article. Scrap that, heh.

But anyway, if there’s anything that’s related to this topic, well… remember that you’re engaging in said activity for right now!!, the present moment. Is this present rank conducive enough to me deriving said enjoyment from it? Well, if it is, well, so be it!!! See, as they say, something’s gotta be not lame!!! enough that you can’t kick up any interest whatseover, but still not too challenging that you feel plain useless and throw up your hands in defeat.

So, that sweet!! spot of still being challenging and fulfilling enough honestly speaking, DOES feel like somewhere I’m at!

So honestly, who cares about my rank?!!

Like, hey, honestly speaking I do think I should be placed higher, but NOT for my ego or face or whatever. Well! I simply ask the universe this! Please let my external, aka the game ranking, be fitting to my internal, my actual experience of playing it! I’d have it be that!

See, again, let’s not get things that technically doesn’t actually fulfil souls but only egos so to speak as something we really need, okay!!!

Rather, relish the kick that you get out of doing what you love!

And so, if there are a couple of lows every now and then, why, so what! Huh! Remember this: This does NOT affect my state of being. Why am I still thoroughly unaffected? Well! Why would I give it so much power over me as to affect my state of being!! Heh!

Finally, to end off, I’d like to introduce this one technique that I’d never really thought much of before, but have been thinking about since yesterday. It’s quite a no-brainer really but it seems…helpful.

And basically, that is to smile and hype yourself up whenever.

Simply put, no matter what, life still goes on. And would you rather have yourself go through that life in a low mood or a high mood! Well! That’s kind of a no-brainer question too right! And while it is certainly the internal that affects the external as opposed to the contrary, simply the act! of smiling, an external act, is fuelled by the internal, and can lead to a shift in the internal state! Well, so by all means, why not!

Come what may, this life, I’m gonna live. Why in that case, I’ll lead one with the greatest boost to my mood level!

Huh, I’ve never really been known as one to smile, but heh”! I think my smiling technique will be improved sooner or later from all the practice 🙂

Well obviously, I still have the right to reserve who I choose to show it to! Lol.

But anyway! I just thought that this was a good! way of ending off this article of why we do things. Because, to be very honest… the reason some of us do things are for goals that are quite… unsustainable.

Like, for instance, the Japanese podcast episode I listened to earlier, the one by Miku sensei, which talked about some study of friendship and whatever…

Well, basically it said that people can be rich and famous but not!! happy, because they don’t have friends and family and all that, celebrating their wins with ’em and feeling happy for ’em.

In contrast, people don’t need very many, only a few!! of those deep genuine relationships and their states of being even as they try and yet fail to immediately reach there, are higher! than those who already have the immediate material success! Because of all those people around them who’re happy for them, happy with them! So imagine big mansions with opulent facilities but no one to enjoy them with… well!

Anyway, I enjoyed! said episode, and here’s to me reinforcing the message from it: Relationships are like a muscle that you gotta keep flexing every now and then, lest it degenerates and grows limp!! Don’t forget and let your once cherished bonds falter, and become nothingness thereon!

Alright! Got it! I hope the article’s been satisfactory! I enjoyed writing it, just the process itself, see, and didn’t really, studiously, try hard and prepare so much for its content see! Just leaving everything to happen naturally as usual, heh! Bye all! On to a new schedule, kthxbye folks!

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