
Attention is the currency of life, perspective its lens

Let’s start off with some simple metaphysics today.

Now if you think about it, the currency of life is really none other than attention. See, we are always conscious, and then we place our attention and focus on stuff. It’s something we just can’t help but do unless you’re a dang pro monk who can meditate for hours on end and just be wholly empty.

Such is the human experience, that comprises of none other than experience itself or at least a whole series of them.,,

So in the midst of our daily lives, our attention gets drawn to things just automatically. Of course, for things which have more or less become an autopilot practice in our lives like maybe just going to the toilet or the like, it may be in a partly unconscious way that we do it as we don’t place too much unnecessary attention on it by default…

Alright, I’m getting too abstract and philosophical here I think. So what is the main point of this article?

Well basically, it’s that perhaps we should really reflect a little on where and how we place our attention.

Now, one thing about where we place our attention on is that it’s decided in part innately by the universe. Like hey, we can’t place our attention on things that we simply have no interest in!!!

No, it’s the things we have been granted interest in by life that draws our attention and fully sucks us in. This effectively consumes our currency of time, though whether or not we productively utilise that and have anything to show for it is another thing altogether.

So on to notably more important stuff now.

Amidst the human experience that spiritual people might say we’ve signed up for, as mentioned earlier…

Now, just imagine that we’re playing a VR game. We’re looking at things through a set of VR googles.

Now in life, we naturally have things like thoughts and emotions which arise in our minds. One could say that together, these comprise our perspective, the lens through which we view our entire world!

Unfortunately, the thing about said lens of perspectives is that more often than not, it consists of more… unsavoury components, let’s say.

For example, lack of self-worth leading to a sense of inferiority, perhaps even depression in extreme cases…

So we end up viewing the world via a lens that is weighed down by such a perspective that, by nature, is negative and bogs us down severely.

Now, something of primary significance regarding this is that despite having such no-good experiences, the mechanism of self-awareness is such that we often lack the realisation of how our life experience itself! is shaped by these experiences. That’s because we are too caught up in said lens and so are unable to picture how another one would feel like.

I mean, if you’re so caught up in the negative experiences of pain and such, you would be enmeshed too deeply in it to even imagine how alternative experiences would be like!!! Such are the lens of life.

As I see it, a most major antidote to nip such leeching perspectives in the bud is simply the self-awareness of creator consciousness.

Let me get straight to the main point of creator consciousness then!

See, spiritual people especially might be more cognisant of this, the fact that we are the creators of our experience.

Consider this statement: Your happiness is in no way determined by external circumstances; rather, it is entirely a reflection of your pre-existing inner state of being that is shaped by none other than you.

So one way to transcend and overcome those longer-term negative experiences is really perspective. Consider this: Somebody sees that glass half full while another sees it half-empty. Technically, it’s all the work of perspective!!

So in other words, with happiness technically being an inner state of being, it does not have to be affected by outer circumstances at all! Simply change the perspective through which you view things, huh! …Hm. Well yeah. Though true, it may be especially difficult at times!

Ever went through an especially bad time before? Surely if you got a chance to live through it again, you’d change how you experienced those times, wouldn’t ya?

Like maybe… this really, really sucks. It’s really terrible and awful, I know that. But hey! I just know I will get through this. And so in the meantime, I’ll beautify, max out this life experience segment that I’m having the best I can!!!

Now isn’t this a cool way to see things?

Yeah, so I know that this part of my life really sucks. But so, to combat that negativity, I’ll just infuse the heck of a positivity and fun into it yo!

Doesn’t that seem like a real cool way to go through tough times? Like, from a long-term perspective, if you just know that it will come to pass anyway, wouldn’t you try to make it not that terrible and as palatable as possible?!!

So really, one important homework, as spiritual people might call it, in life is none other than to master our state of being. Because in reality, while our life is overall greatly shaped by our external circumstances, conditioning and such, we do have power over it to a great degree!

And basically, the way our power is expressed is via the medium of perspective-action.

First, we naturally experience said circumstance through the medium of perspective. From there on, we can decide how we take action in life relative to it. Like, take action we must, because life is attention, and so like we naturally gotta place our attention somewhere! It is only that…

Very often, and I myself have been guilty of this too, a perspective-action that people take with regard to those perceived negative circumstances is this terrible one: feeling sorry for oneself-wallowing in self-pity!

But hey… think about it this way I explained earlier. Years down the road when the circumstances have balanced out and everything is much more favourable now, if you knew that you must have a perspective-action regardless and had the chance to live it out all over again…

Like seriously, would you still choose to live out that same mode of feeling sorry for oneself-wallowing in self-pity all over again?

Nah! You probably wouldn’t! It’d be like returning to a save point in a game. Hey, you know that things will work out anyway. So what that it ain’t that great now? Huh! Like, you’d probably just focus your attention elsewhere and spend time doing something fun that you love!

Now erase the having gone through it before and knowing that things will take an okay turn from the equation.

Now, go do the same thing.

Like, hey! Isn’t this that exact same action of combatting possible perceived negativity with positivity and joy?

Huh! Like, all the negativity can just go jump down a well! It’s got nothing to do with me and I refuse to be swamped down by that yo!

…Anyway, if you take away any one thing from this article, I’d like it to be this: Don’t forget your creator consciousness. Negative circumstances are not the ultimate decider of your life experience! No! Rather, it’s you yourself!!! First, with your attention placed on it, you will naturally go perceive it through some way in terms of thoughts, emotions, etc, and then you’ll have to respond in some way. Don’t let it be a bad way ok!!!

Finally, let’s discuss one last thing about the currency of life, attention, before I end this article. Just wanna mention a bit about it, so.

So, the way we place our currency of attention on something is naturally through the lens of perspective. But sometimes, this lens of perspective is very much tainted!!!

Like, think about it objectively, okay. Detach yourself from a situation and look at life big picture now.

Really, the only progress that can be made in life is simply for you to grow, and you yourself only!!

So really, the only two options I see are like 1. harmless fun and 2. a positivity emission of living authentically aligned to oneself. Everything else is like negativity already and seriously just plain bad to have.

Like, take for example, emotions like jealousy. Seriously, what’s the point of that? Whether you like it or not, see, you’re stuck in this game character you’re playing. Simply got no way to change it. So why be all sore and bitter that you do not compare to this other character you see?!! Hey!!! That ain’t your path! You’ve got another main quest of ya own!

So like seriously, I think that this is a most seriously irrational emotion to have, really. Instead, if you want, perhaps you invest your own hopes onto them and try to live through them like I previously talked about!!!

Way 1: You project yourself onto other people and feel negative emotions through their state of being.

Way 2: You project yourself onto other people and feel positive emotions through their state of being.


Like, I seriously can’t see any good reason to choose Way 1 over Way 2 man!

So finally I’d like to end off with a statement I just whipped up.

Stand steadfast as a force of light and positivity against the darkness and negativity of this world. Distance yourself from that which hates and band together with the fellow forces in this world radiating light! Construct a brilliant saga for said life experience you tread!

Alright. I winged this article a bit, but it seems to have turned out okay. Yay. Bye now!

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