
I never see things as they are, I See them as they can be

Hey guys! It’s time for my second article of the week!

Now, as is probably visible from the title of this article, it’s about potential.

So just think about it this way really. You are performing an activity. And why is it that you perform said activity? Well, it is because you would like to derive and gain something from it.

And that which you would like to gain is, in a sense, an elevated state of being.

For instance, let’s mention the shooting game that I play every now and then. I often ask myself: why do I play that game? What’s the point, really? And finally, I stumbled across said answer, eventually.

Basically, what I seek to derive from the game is, to put it bluntly, three words: fulfilment from mastery. It’s that exhilarating feeling where I go Rambo and flex and stupendously kill like 4, 5 enemies in a row. Well sure, that doesn’t always happen, and sometimes games are just plain horrible. But still! What I tell myself is this: I’m just playing for my enjoyment. And indeed, the I get the enjoyment regularly enough!

Therefore, this game is a go for me!

The same goes for other things in life, really.

Granted, sometimes we just do things for fun and being rather than doing and there’s no real point in calculating one’s improvement or correspondingly lack thereof.

However, when you look at the whole big picture of everything that you are pursuing, and the key word here is pursuing, now this is where!! the idea really sets in. What am I seeking to acquire from all these things I am pursuing?

Well, the answer is clear as day. I am seeking the elevated state of being that I can acquire from it! And oftentime, this involves the actualisation of mastery and potential. For instance, it seems that I’ll be taking some courses here and then this month. And then if you go all metaphysical and ask why I’m doing that, well, really, it just couldn’t be any plainer.

I am seeking, gratification, fulfilment, victory or whatever from taking those courses and actualising my as yet unrealised potential in these areas! Thus do I find them meaningful, and worthwhile heading onwards into the future…

And it is precisely because of this that I find that I should bolster my efforts in say, for instance, badminton which I’ve been training in at least once a week now for many many weeks!

See, I’ll show you my thought process.

This is something I’ve committed to. I derive enjoyment from it. I actualise my potential in it. And how do I do that if not, mastery?

Everyone only has limited energies and can commit to limited endeavours. Thus, since I have committed to said endeavour, would it not be precisely by committing myself to attaining a certain level of mastery in it that I properly live up to it and do not let it down? I definitely have been improving, by the way, but still I’ve got greater motivation to focus!!! and work on some stuff in badminton now.

Meanwhile, another thing that I’ve also found to be very important in life is to identify those things that you can acquire your elevated state from.

Well of course, I’m not supporting addictions here! I’m talking about stable long-term stuff, see.

So anyway, for instance. Let’s say you are good at A. However, the doing of A does not really bear that sublime! elevated state for you. Really, at most for you it’s clinical.

A really, really good way to see if something is THE fit for you is simply whether it can, figuratively speaking, transport you into a dimension where all time is lost. You are just so thoroughly lost, submersed in your concentration of performing said activity that things like time are not a factor in the equation whatsoever. You simply… let it be as it is. By the way, this is kinda the way I feel when writing articles!

Well, so I just gotta mention. If said activity is something that yes, you can do, but doesn’t really send you into any state of ecstasy, for use of a better term… like, in contrast, it merely gives you a good feeling and the mere ‘this is nice’ thought. There is nothing that draws you back to it as you dabble at most. Or only give it some time for commitment’s sake.

So what you really, really gotta do is find those things that you WOULD confidently declare that you identify with.

For instance, some things you’re just not cut out for. While, in that case, just accept it and move on. Unless it’s a hindrance in your life, why not just focus on what you HAVE been gifted with. Work on them. Simply actualising your potential in these areas is already a worthwhile goal of many, many years!

Of course, sometimes there’s really a major element of exploration. Like you simply can’t know if something gives you an elevated state of being if you’ve simply never tried it out before!! Or for something more work etcetera related, well… obviously, sometimes you need to know a little bit about every single piece of the puzzle for you to fit into it better too.

And of course, this does not have to be related to any major projects ongoing in your life or anything! Just your daily life will suffice.

Well, I’ll just give one small example, okay. For instance, I like Japanese quite a bit. It’s just something innate. You can’t!! explain things like this, the universe gave ’em to you!

Well, anyway, because of this, I have a friend who speaks Japanese as well, and I often have the tendency of code-switching into Japanese to chat with him, yep. Like, rather than just using English alone, see. The process, I would say, elevates my state of being, no, not because it sends me into heights of ecstasy, but because it is something that I can really feel that I love and enjoy doing.

It is precisely these things which resonate so much with us and we! thoroughly! are! aligned! with! that we’ve got to keep in a rucksack amidst our daily lives. Oftentimes, it just flows straight in, naturally.

And sometimes, there runs the risk of people judging too. I’ll just very briefly mention this, but I know that there is the possibility of people judging for instance, some voice acting thing that is just part of my everyday life.

Yep. But I really must say that it really falls down to this one word: authenticity. Don’t be afraid to be yourself! You are the most you whenever you are being you, hah!

Think about potential for a moment again. In a sense, you ARE the creator of your life. You have the power to make so, so many possible adjustments as per your will. Well, it’s just that so many people only live on autopilot, and some also give up rather easily. But still!

In a sense, it’s really this one truth that I have walked away with from my thinking about all this. In a sense, as you live and walk your life, what you’re doing can be easily expressed as: you bringing! your potential into actualisation. And therefore, zoom out and look at the picture long-term! Don’t be so focused on mere outcomes that are only reflecting ONE current instance! See yourself steadily improving overall!

Sit with that for a moment.

Hah, lol. I’ll just be honest and say that this was inspired by a crazy losing streak by me in the gun game. Yep. But, I’ll be really really honest, okay! Since then, after this mindset shift, I totally don’t mind!!!!!! that at all. It’s like, okay, whatever. I’ll just focus on the elevated! states that come when I am playing really, really, well, that which signifies the blossoming of my potential! Hah!


Finally, let me just end off with one final analogy.

Alright, think about it this way, okay. One possible ideal state.

Like, when you’re in these really elevated states, like, for example, to use the game analogy, even though may be losing 3-10, when you suddenly blow up and almost kill their whole team in a round…

Heh! Eat this!

Well, even though my overall performance may not be all that amazing, even though you may still find fault with me, well!!!

I for one, am really living it up, peeps! Like, I feel that what I just accomplished was… bloody amazing! And if you don’t really approve of me still, huh, so what! It’s your loss, bro! At least, I loved me then! Yahooo!

And of course, feel free to continue to bask in the splendour of the remembrance of said elevated state. Yep.

From the outside, your overall status doesn’t look that great? Welp. Nothing to do with you! I’ll in it for my internal state, and I trust that external states will shift along with it as necessary! All I’m focused! on right now is actualising my potential! Yoooo!

Oops, went a bit deep and philosophical there, but hope you got it!

Alright, with that I’ve pretty much written whatever I wanted. Honestly… this article isn’t really structured at all. I started out wanting to write an article on potential but then yesterday I got all those thoughts on state of being, and so I merged! them together for an output.

But well, I’m satisfied enough with it!

Oh, and finally, before I end this article, just wanna mention something.

See, I previously mentioned this idea of potentially grouping every 22 articles into a book, see, and this is precisely the 44th! article since I resumed writing on my blog in around, like, March? A milestone!

But anyway, as I mentioned earlier, I’ll be taking a lot of courses really soon, and I’ve embarked on some new projects as well so to speak. So, perhaps my number of articles per week might decrease from 2 to 1?

I really don’t know! And also, I might actually take a break the coming week to commemorate the achievement of my milestone! So, yeah! Be writing, still, certainly, of course, I think!

So anyway, have a nice day, and remember to prioritise your elevated states of being, everyone! Be nice if you took something away from article 44!

Daimon out!

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