
I’m not doing this for me – that’s just a side ripple

Hey all! So I just had a profound realisation that felt incredibly liberating for me, and so I feel that I just have to share. Now obviously, this means that the article may similarly be incredibly short, but anyway. Here goes!

Now, something that our egos, we mere human vessels, require quite a bit is this thing called validation. It usually means that we need to get seen and recognised by people.

Just think of children. When we get an A on a test, we tell our parents, hoping that we’ll get praised by them! Like, for instance: good job, kid! You did well!

Yet, the thing about validation is that very oftentimes, it’s not just something that we need in our childhood. It stays with us far into adulthood as well!

…Just look at how some people become celebrities. Now, much of the time, it’s actually fuelled by this need, this desire to be adored and pedestalised by the masses. More so than their craft itself too.

But as I mentioned in a previous article, that’s really kind of our egos playing out. Like, there is a vacuum in us. Since we ourselves don’t recognise ourselves, we need others!!! to do so for us, externally meeting said need.

Which brings me to my realisation today. Now, cut away all the egoic desires that stem from need. Now, just think about it this way for a bit. Said person is not fuelled by ego, not being driven by an internal sense of lack. Rather, the person is whole, crystallised, complete, within.

In that sense, when that person receives the admiration and praise of others, all that person can say is well, thank you very much! Meanwhile, this does NOT add anything to them, for they are already full.

Well in that case, think of all those big names out there with all their tremendous achievements. Now if you were them, and you did NOT have this gap within you that needs to be fulfilled by validations. So what exactly is your role in this world?

Well, it’s pretty straightforward, isn’t it! In a sense, you could say that they are serving others through their craft! A world-renowned singer serves others through their singing, a world-renowned coach serves others through their coaching. That’s basically the gist of it!

Now, the way some more religious people might even express it is: You’re serving people through your ministry!

So in essence, what might I have gleaned from this realisation?

Well, it really matters NOT to me whether or not I might receive validation, appreciation etcetera from others. No, thank you very much!!! I can do that for myself perfectly fine! No, instead, truly, trinkets they are! Mere side ripples that okay, it’s nice if they’re there! But if they’re not, or worse, if there are haters tearing at me, honestly, hah! I could care less!

No, no. Yeah, my norm might be one of being liked in general, okay. Still, that’s just the icing on the cake!!! Rather, my ministry, or this vocation that I have been anointed for so to speak, using more religious terms heh, is the true meat of the pie! So, if and only if it is meant to be that my craft reaches and serves others, then please, do it universe, I am happy to be of service! But if not, well! I thoroughly accept thy will!

So you see, from a completed, crystallised state of being, one is generally unaffected by how others see them. Simply put, they do not have such a gap, such a chasm, such a need within them. Instead, they merely concentrate on ikasu-ing, embodying those gifts that they have been blessed with by the universe and by extension the callings, if any, that have been asked of them.

Therefore, what the crowds at large might think of them is of no import.

Now, I know that I’m not really in a position to talk about such things. I am but a normal person, after all. Well, still, since I have been granted such a liberating (for me) realisation today, why, in that case, share! corresponding message I will!

How might this realisation help me?

Well, for instance, you probably know that I’m writing this blog at the moment. So, now, if I set goals towards the advancement of this blog, it’s conceivably possible that I might get boggled down with thoughts like ‘oh, what’s the point! No one will read it anyway!’ Like, literally!

However, with this realisation, it’s now totally different.

With this realisation, I’m like: If people are meant to read this blog and receive from it, if this is the mode the universe has determined I should be giving to people at large by, O universe, let it be so. However, if it is not meant to be, universe, well, I’m totally fine if you do not let it be so. After all, any attention, admiration, appreciation or whatnot would just! be a side ripple. It is not for me for whom I write this blog!! Use me as you will!

Now I’m totally sounding a bit overfanatical and spiritual and kinda religious even in this article today, so well, I hope it offends no one! Regardless, for me myself, I feel I’ve made great gains today, so yep.

Happy to have further solidified the foundation of my blog today! Nice releasing! these words from myself in allowing them to be expressed! Right, it’s about the halfway point of the year 2024 already! Have a good rest of the year, folks!

Daimon out!

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