
How to live a balanced life: Being vs doing

In recent days, I’ve come to grasp that there are two distinct modes in life and its activities. One is being, and the other doing.

Let’s take a quick look at them.

First of all, I gotta say that these two modes in life are closely interlinked and related to the two energies I mentioned before. Specifically, doing is related to the masculine energy while being is related to the feminine energy. And of course, like I said, everyone has a mixture of both these energies regardless of gender.

Now, masculine energy is related to having goals and trying to attain them through organisation, discipline, consistency and such. For instance, this blog itself is precisely a stellar example of masculine energy at play! Another example would be webnovel translations for which translators and team consistently release one or two chapters daily. Yeah, well, that’s another of my slated projects, uhuh.

So doing is basically that, striving towards goals and all.

As for feminine energy, it would be better defined by an absence of any such goals. One simply immerses themselves fully into the flow of the moment and enjoy themselves, letting their selves frolic and play and allow the spark to dance! In other words, rather than doing the activity for any said purpose, it is more because of how the activity feels to them that they do it!

So being is basically that, pure relishing in experiences and all.

And then we arrive at the need to form a balance between them!

See, wallowing in being is great and all that, but one thing is for sure, which is that you’ll never ever get anything done!!! Like, productivity basically is non-existent for ya.

But if you’re stuck in doing all the time, sure, you’ll get things done, but you’ll get too serious and tire yourself and even burn yourself out! This is no joke!!!

In addition, there is an important facet of being which is that it allows people to access their creativity and inner child, and nicely recharge.

Therefore, it seems to be a sort of yin and yang cycle wherein you definitely should have a doing going on, but not too much of that, even as you recharge and replenish yourself to the fullest with being!

See, being demands nothing of you and let yourself have those pleasant experiences where you can live to the max. Hey, one might even put it this way. Doing is for outcomes, serious stuff you cannot ignore like earning your keep, whereas for being… ask yourself one! question.

If today was your last day, what would you do? How would you choose to experience it?

Well, you probably wouldn’t go choose to commit to doing like work and earn more money unless you really really love it! On the contrary, you would surely commit to a being action and just really live to the max in the moment, however much it isn’t really much productive.

Well, I’ve given some examples of doing, so now for some of being.

Seriously, an activity can be doing for some and being for another. There is no hard and fast rule which limits it to one particular category!

Take for example sports. Well, for those professional athletes, this really is a doing activity for them, no questions asked! It’s kinda their main goal in life, after all. However, for us casual players? Well hey it definitely, easily can be a mere being activity for us!!!

Irregardless of the fact that ‘doing’ energy might technically be required in doing it!

And so the doing person commits lots and lots of time to it seriously trying to get better at it whereas for the being person, this is merely something they really enjoy and can live to the fullest through. Ah!

So naturally, doing and being have different levels of seriousness to them. And this can be seen in the form of sports equipment, for example. So someone for whom this is their doing activity will do lots of research and go properly select and buy all their tennis rackets and climbing shoes or whatever. But for someone for whom this is just a being activity, they’re more like ‘huh what?’ when presented with this.

No, amigo! This is not for them! They’re not that specialised in the activity and hardcore ardent followers of it! No, no. They merely, merely enjoy and relish the experience, wanna soak in this a bit!

So now for example, say that said person is pretty talented at said activity. People say hey! You should really spend some more time engaging in it and get better at it yo!

But hey! For that person, this is a mere being activity for them that serves as a source of enjoyment they derive pleasure from yo! Well!

Really, just ‘hey, you’re so great at this! You really should…’ is truly not a good reason to force people to engage more of their time in this! That is because it’s really their choice how they want to spend their time! It’s really free country to just go have fun doing what they want to do; there lies happiness!!!

People who’re multitalented, especially, know this to be true!!!

No, if they really do feel pulled to do that activity, they can go convert it to a doing activity, and set goals and milestones and all that instead. Else man, they’ll just have fun in it and do it whenever! No pressure, only life hah!

So in addition, there is also really quite an obvious difference with regard to how these two modes operate.

For doing activities, it’s more like you have it on a fixed schedule. Wind or rain, you’ll just do what you’ve committed to. Easy.

For being activities, however, it’s more like you can only do it when you are feeling the right energy!!

For if you’re in the wrong energy, you just can’t seem to enter the flow of doing this particular activity, well and truly living in the experience.

Thus, it’s more like you go do them only whenever you feel called to as really, there’s no forcing it otherwise! Somehow, it simply doesn’t work!

Like this, everyone will have their own different being activities they’re called to. This actually isn’t something that logic and rationality can prescribe. Rather, it just is!! You can’t help it! Can only ride it.

Take me for example. I was a super crazy avid reader of fiction back in the day, up till my twenties at least. I would easily read 1000 webnovel chapters in a month, or a GOT book in slightly over a day then. That is just the way things were.

Gradually, though, I outlived that state of being. Now, while I do still read a few chapters per day on average, I just can’t bring myself to go binge chapters and spend an unbeatable lot of time on it anymore. Got that reading habit still, but it’s far, far watered down from previously.

Well! What can I do about it!!! It’s not me that dictates what modes nicely fill me up, no it isn’t! Rather, it’s obviously life that does it!!!

Really, that’s just the mode it plain is. Like, theoretically speaking, watching a bit of television every now and then is a good way for me to spend my time. But hey yo! Life just doesn’t hand me that pull towards it! Simply doesn’t exist, yo!! And so I can only look for what does, go ride on that and enjoy life via that particular medium. Like, you can’t surf on a wave that doesn’t exist yo! Simply can’t!

And that’s just how life is!!!

Finally, I just feel like I’d like to present an additional mode of being in addition to doing and being. I call it abiding. Basically, it isn’t doing in that you don’t really have goals or anything, but it also ain’t being!! in that it doesn’t really fill you to the fullest all that much really.

Like, it’s more of something that you just do on a continual, even daily basis as a routine that’s just been fully integrated into your everyday life. Huh.

Stuff like all this philosophical mumbo-jumbo, for example. I just can’t but do it! It’s just this natural way of life that is so deeply ingrained in me I can’t not do it! Not doing it, I wouldn’t be me anymore! Yup, it kinda feels that way for me! Transcends these two states even!!!

Alright, now we’ve come to the end of this article!

Or not! One last thing just flashed in my mind!

Okay, so let’s take a quick look at motivation.

So you wanna perform well in an activity.

It’s kinda like a hobby of yours, see. A being activity. I just wanna empahise this, see. Although I already kinda mentioned it earlier…

So, before you partake in that activity, please make sure that you have the required energy to partake in that activity!!! Don’t be like oh I know I’m relatively competent in said activity, so I’ll just go do it for a bit so as to prove my worth in it! If I’m good at it I should probably be able to do it right!!!

But then you do the activity and realise that you’re not in form today. Huh. Aw man… You have no positives to show for engaging in it whatsoever!!!

So friendly reminder: At times like this, please remember. You are engaging in said activity only to have fun in it and enjoy it! That’s the main purpose!!! Don’t forget that! When you’re recharged and energised and partake in this activity again, you’ll both have fun AND show your true worth in it! So no rush yo!!!

Like, don’t forget the mindset of living in the present and living like it actually is your last day!!! When you’re tired, go rest!!! When you’re properly in the mood and right energy, only then ya go own people!!! Crush ’em with all your skill and talent and flair! Yeahhhhhhh!

Alright. For real this time. Article end.

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