Quick intro

Quick philosophical intro. Now, ever heard of existentialism? Why do we exist and what is the meaning of life? But hey, let’s flip that over its head. Fact: We exist. What’s the point of questioning why? The answer’s truly, simply, just to live the best we can! To max out our lives, in other words!

And that’s why I decided to be serious and commit to this blog. Together, let’s strive towards human flourishing, or Eudaimonia as Aristotle coined it! Cause like well, since we’re gonna live anyway… we might as well make the most outta it, duh!

I hope my posts here will be of service to you! Let’s soar together, guys!

Note: The two other categories in the menu, Life and Primeval, link back to my past articles from when I would just write random articles for fun. Primeval for VR and Fiction, and Life for the main articles. I’ve gotten better at writing articles and more serious about it since then. Leggo!!!