
Types of desire and the law of reflection

Hey there! So, inspiration has struck me today for the article I want to write. So, I’ll be getting into it right away! Yep!

Okay, so first of all, I want to talk about desire.

You know, there’s a lot of talk out there about desire. I mean, I think the Buddha also said that desire is the root of all suffering? And like, some say that you reach enlightenment when you get to transcend all desires?

But well, I just devised my own take on desire! And so, I’ll try to paint that succinctly now!

Alright, so as I see it, there are two types of desire. The main difference is that one type of desire comes from attraction, whereas the other type comes from need.

What do I mean by this?

Well, let me explain that ‘attraction desire’. So for example, I felt rather inspired to go write this article today. So yes, I would say that I had this desire within me to write it. I would describe the nature of this attraction as a sort of pull.

You know, I’ve actually thought about it in recent days. Sometimes, you get this sort of desire where you kind of feel an urge to go do something and then it reaches your to-do list, and eventually you just do it. See, the thing about this desire is that it just flows so naturally out of you! It isn’t through rationality, but more by intuition, that this happens.

For instance, I did a voice recording thing yesterday, and I’ll not expand on that. Still, the way it happened is kinda like… the idea just struck my mind, and it was like ‘yeah, this is a cool thing to do! Maybe I’ll just go do it for fun!’. And then it just naturally flowed out of me that said voice recording happened, because I acted upon said desire!

In a sense, the desire wasn’t fueled by necessity in any way whatsoever. In fact, I would say that it flows out of the abundance of the universe as the manifestation of possibilities, that… infinite web of potentialities out there!!

Now let me go on to the other kind of desire.

Well, that’s simply the opposite! This sort of desire is fueled by need.

Okay, let’s ignore the physical side of things, like say eating or going to the toilet okay. Let’s just stick to the mental-emotional side of things.

For example, as social beings, human beings have a need for social connections.

And many people might have, for instance, the need to be validated by others or the need to succeed in order to feel worthy.

But, don’t you notice a similarity between all of these??

All of them stem from this… need!

I am lacking this. Therefore, I need this to be met.

Now, the attraction desire stems from abundance, I said earlier. Well, in contrast, the need desire stems from its exact opposite, lack!!!

I don’t feel that I am worthy. Therefore, I need to remedy this feeling of lack by succeeding in something.

And then once the short-lived feeling of dopamine from said success is over, said person again starts chasing success because the same lack within them was NOT! filled by that incidence of success, sadly.

Well, and why would it be?

See, the need for success within the person here stems from a flaw, a knot, I would call it, lying dormant within their subconscious mind. Before this knot is unraveled, the person will always! be chasing, attempting to make up for this thing that they feel they don’t have.

So, let’s take a look at the dichotomy again, okay.

For the attraction desire, that’s pure and genuine!! It stems from this wholesomeness of manifesting, plus! experiencing, the self as an expression of the universe through whatever chosen medium!

Meanwhile, the need desire is sorta just… needy. It happens because there is a knot within the subconscious of the person, and before the knot is unraveled, said need will simply never be fulfilled anyway, because that’s just impossible. It will always want more and more! Hence it attracts experiences of a similar vibe with a same lesson embedded to the recipient until the recipient manages to learn it.

Meanwhile, all of it was just to remedy that imperfection, undo that blemish!

Huh, I mean, some say that’s what we incarnate for, to crystallise. Hmm.

But anyway! I’ll just give an example to keep it clearer, okay.

Um… let’s use codependency. So some people are unable to survive alone as a whole unit. They need the presence of someone else alongside them in order to feel whole. Thus, they’ll always have this need desire within them to fulfil this lack they feel within. Said being……. will continually attract such people to themselves until the need for this kind of experience is finally released, and they learn that they can be whole as themselves.

Phew! I hope you get what I’m saying, that it hasn’t been too confusing. Anyway! Let me move on to the law of reflection now, and how it correlates, okay.

So basically, the law of reflection basically states that the world you experience is a reflection of you. For instance… if you’re like super obsessed with beauty, one of your immediate! go-tos when you’re encountering other people out in public will be to scan their appearance.

Meanwhile, if you’re someone who is very perfectionistic and holds everyone to a high standard, the world you will experience will be one wherein that’s the first thing that comes to your mind whenever! you got interactions.

Meanwhile, if said traits don’t exist within you, you’ll be totally neutral to them!! Like, if you totally don’t! care about looks at all, it’ll never remotely ever enter your mind to take a scan of someone over it!

So basically, the way this relates to my topic is this.

Basically, notice what regularly pops up in your experienced life.

Is it the case that you’re often feeling a lack of social bonds?

Well, that itself is a reflection of you! Yes, indeed, that could be one factor. But even that factor is unique to you and you yourself! Like ya know, someone could be super duper introverted such that even if! they were in the same social circumstances as you, they simply wouldn’t! feel anything at all!

So, first of all, deem that it is unique to you yourself!

I mean, like, have you heard of coaching? In the process the coach is only the guide whereas the coachee is the one who truly knows all pertinent and relevant things! The former helps draw the solution from the latter because the solution MUST be unique to the latter just by definition!

So in a sense, this is similar. Well, perhaps it is true that you have a lack of social bonds and need to make more. Okay. Got there. But, hey!! In the process, could there be any knots within yourself, that would be preferably untangled??

One more example. Say that a person always feels a need to receive affirmation from other people. Just be honest with the self for a sec… Like, could the problem be that… the person is not receiving their affirming thoughts from themselves? Hence, there is a lack of it others!!! need to fill up for them? But even then the knot is still there, and that’s only a temporary stopgap measure?

Well what comes to mind, two things!

One, perhaps the person might not actually be ready for big things yet until they learn how to unravel! this knot within themselves!! The universe is being their guru here, just as it does for everyone.

Two, were this knot not to exist, said problem would simply be like a random stranger that they pass by while out on the street to that party in question! Again, the law of reflection reflects that there is this knot within them which has yet! to be unraveled! And, until it does!

Like do you know about triggers? Many people have triggers lying dormant within them from some past traumatic incidents, and once! these triggers are activated the person flares up as the wound erupts!

In a sense… wouldn’t you say that these are like knots within the subconscious, imperfections that has yet to reach a purified crystalline!!! whole?

Similarly, I would say that these desires of need are so very similar. Situations of a similar frequency of theme will necessarily pop up in said person’s life from time to time, and whenever that happens!! Huh! Well! It is back to trying to fill up that gap with stopgap measures again.

Just like how when you’re triggered, you erupt, and you react! When said things are unearthed, it’s again like you kinda step on a mine.


Well anyway! I think I’m pretty satisfied with my article today.

Well, kinda serious the topic might be, but… Well, that’s just how it is.

So finally, I would like to venture an alternative definition of the word ego. I know there are a lot of definitions out there, but well, personally this is kind of the one I have. Anyway, so, here goes…

As I see it, ego are the need desires stemming out of lack that you have just simply by virtue of being a body. It’s just kinda something that you might liken to, say… filling up a petrol tank in a car. It is just something you gotta do!

For instance, a common example would be how many people are so competitive and need to prove themselves better than someone else. That’s because they’ve been ingrained with the mindset that they are not enough unless they have achievements to cement their status… And yet well, spiritual people would say that you’re worthy simply by existing!

Not being honest and telling others what you think! Well, again pride and image or face, so to speak, is also kind of a bodily need, isn’t it!

So finally, to end off, I would like to point to the attraction desire being the most wholesome form of desire.

Say for example, the universe imprints! within you the desire to be a musician.

Well, then, go be that musician! Explore that world and live to the fullest!!! in it!

Now, this sort of desire isn’t something that is fleeting and ephemeral in the sense that it is abundant. It will lead to project after project, gradually accumulating with flowers that bloom of it to the benefit of all. It isn’t something that is more of like satiation for a little unfortunate… imperfection within yourself that’ll never be fulfilled.

This desire is something that you chase!!!

And boy, will it bring you joy and fulfilment.

Well, anyway to sum it up, I’m a long-term sustainability kind of person, haha. That’s what I glean from this.

So I hope this article has been satisfying. Right now, what I will do, naturally, is to affirm myself for it even before anyone else, yeah. Because at the very least I need to make sure that I’m not shoring up some sort of knot in my subconscious, hah! The ideal stage is one where!! affirmations just feel like a passing breeze and not something which is fulfilling some sort of need within me. Yep.

And that’s the end of my article! Hope y’all got me!

Right, we having a long weekend rn folks. Enjoy!

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