If I had a middle name I guess it’d be striving
Cause I’m always seeking higher, better
Nothing simply can faze me
Rest on my laurels that is so weird
How does that even work
Like hey when you next see me you’ll probably find
My stock’s richer again
When people see me they will find
I’ve really got a lot to my name
Like this and that I’ve all done before
And there’s still more where that came from
Yeah some people I know laze around
Happy in their comfort zone always
And who’s to say that that is wrong
I suppose it is free country
I though
I’ll grow
I’ll take flight and soar
Nameless is not for me
Someday you’ll all know me!
That’s the word
I was just born with that
It’ll bring me places
I’m certain
I’m confident of that
Oh… await my crowning coronation!