Ode to 6

The world would be a much better place

If everyone were to do one simple thing

That’s to responsibly show up

And do what you’re meant to do

That would make for an excellent foundation

A bastion of stability for all

A brilliant example immediately comes to mind

Doesn’t need more than a few seconds to know

Just think of how many people sign up for stuff

Yet when the event finally arrives hohoho

Where in the world are they

Half the time they’re not even here

Many will present nice fronts on the surface

But at the end of the day sigh they’re shells

For me it’s really more commit and that’s it

I say I’ll come and thus there I will be… period

Yeah I know sometimes something clashes and I can’t show up

But that’s obviously, visibly a minority

I saw, I committed, I came

And oh, another topic quickly comes to mind

Why are so many so awful at communication

Like can’t it be that if you receive a message you properly respond

Yeah sure I get that you have your life and sometimes you don’t see it

But hey honestly buddy is it really so hard

To me it’s just common sense straightforward

I get diversity, I get inclusivity, truly I’m all for that

But really what I want is just some basic respect

I love the principle of keep it simple stupid

Because truly as I see it it’s in no way any hard

A world in which everyone follows the rules

Sounds easy but I bleakly see it as quite unattainable!

Yeah I get that maybe I’m kinda naggy

Some might call me a bit of a stickler

But really, there’s not much I ask from this world

Just peace, stability, harmony, oh so basic are they!

I always want to be assured that I’m accounted for

Nothing will knock me off my feet and send me flying

And oh of course my friends – I firmly declare that I will be ride or die!