
The hope-regret spectrum and entering the future

Good morning! Have thought about what I’m going to write about for today’s article. Entering into it now!

So probably some time before entering university, I conceived of what I personally dub the hope-regret spectrum. First of all I would like to share more about it today.

Basically… hmm. Like, have you heard of hedonism? So it’s like avoiding pain and moving towards pleasure.

Similarly, the hope-regret spectrum is about avoiding regret and moving towards hope.

So what do I mean by that?

Well, so I’m not really sure why, but around that time, I believed that hope is like the one thing that keeps people clinging and moving forward in the future, however elusive and fleeting it can be.

In a sense, hope for us is like the light at the end of the tunnel, grounding us and keeping us afloat amidst all the darkness surrounding!! us.

One more day. One more day! Surely. Someday! It’s basically like that!

Meanwhile regret is something which plagues people many years down the road following said thing which they regret not doing. As an avid reader, I guess I kinda gleaned that one important thing is life is to commit to doing something that you know you’ll regret not doing otherwise. And that forms a tragic what-if which always lingers.

Anyway, therefore, the hope-regret spectrum is a philosophical belief I’ve had since my youth.

As an idealist, I’m someone who believes in potentiality and what can be. I see bright possibilities lying unmanifested ahead, which, in a sense… well simply put that in itself is something to look forward to, aka a source and wellspring of hope!

Meanwhile, as for the regret end of the spectrum, it’s more like this. I will not lie around just wasting my time. Rather, I will! do what I truly believe will bring me towards a future which I desire, as aligns with me.

Here’s one feature of this. Basically, what does wallowing in self-pity do exactly? Does it lead me towards hope, towards a desired future?? Uh, nope. Well, does it help me avoid regret? Well, no!!! Instead, it’d bring me regret, even, for all the time wasted in the process that I could have better used to bring me closer to where I want to be!

Now obviously, even then the process is entirely subjective and up to whatever is within the person’s field of awareness and worldview etc, okay. Everyone has their own brand of authenticity and striving, yep.

Meanwhile, there is also a key point that I would like to point out about the hope-regret spectrum.

Basically, if you abide by it, huh!! Why, there is utterly no need for regret even if circumstances do not reach the desired outcome!

Hey, did you try your best? Yes, you did.

Did you leave that option unexplored, as a mere what-if? No, you didn’t!

Rather, you walked that path with the best intentions in mind, fuelled by the possibility and hope of it leading you to a desired outcome that you saw in it. So, it didn’t lead you to that place okay. It might even strike poor you as an utter waste of time when you think of what resulted. Disappointed you so, threw your hopes on the ground and stomped on them.

But hey! So what???

You didn’t leave that thread unexplored! Instead, due to the potential you saw within, you pursued it! Like, if you think of it as having a series of tabs open on your phone, you properly, well and duly settled everything within that tab before finally closing it up!

Well in that case? What fault could you possibly find with your actions? You were the absolute best yo! There is literally nothing you should regret!!

What, the thing leave you with bad emotions because of how some people acted or didn’t act? No! That’s their problem, not yours! Comparatively, you acted! on the basis of yer highest timeline!

Well, I personally find that this philosophy aligns very well with the concept of time. You don’t remain stuck in the past embroiled in what cannot be changed. Rather, you strive for the absolute most ideal version of events that could possibly be achieved! And you, absolutely!!!, do not tolerate creating a substandard future!

Bravery fuels you to explore the unknown threads ahead!

Now, I think I’ll quickly mention one movie which I’ve recently been watching on Netflix. It’s a Japanese movie called All Lives. So, basically, a man with only a few months left to leave goes about gallivanting with a doctor, in spending his last remaining months.

This again led me to think of the phrase: Live every day as if it is your last. I mean, there’s even a song like it by Nickelback or something, if I remember correctly. Anyway…

So in a nutshell, the guy did some bucket list stuff that he could only do if he were still alive. He made memories.

And one emotion which said movie evokes is: Hey, isn’t living in and of itself, a very precious gift? …Just think about it. If you’re alive, you can do loads of stuff and enjoy yourselves in the process. Well, when you lose your heartbeat… I mean, depending on your spiritual beliefs you could say that one never truly dies. But still, even then, the phrase it ultimately leaves me with is this.

Living itself fuels a staggeringly wide stream of possibilities that we can partake in.

…And yet many people never ever partake in this stream of possibilities and simply operate on autopilot in a lifestyle reminiscent of robots even.

…I won’t judge. There’s just one thing I’d say. If possible, just maybe, how about we try to incorporate even a few percent of this stream of possibilities into our lives?

I mean, just think of all the wasted potential. It’s sad!!!

Of course, I understand that based on the cards that have been dealt them by the universe, everyone has a different stream of possibilities they can manifest. Say for example, one person draws, one person dances and one person sings. That itself directs their stream of possibilities already, doesn’t it!

Overall the broad term that everyone falls under is inclusivity, the opposite of stereotyping, and accepting all different variations. Evidently, some variations aren’t really equipped to do some stuff well, just as a general statement okay.

Therefore, how about this as a consensus of sorts?

Whenever we’re doing what the universe has blessed us with the ability to do, we feel blessed and grateful to the universe for it. Whenever we spectate what the universe has blessed others to do, that sadly we are somewhat lacking in capacity to partake in, we still!! marvel at the wonders that are manifest in the universe through the vessel of another.

In the process, stuff like envy, jealousy, etcetera… huh! What are they?

No! There is only I, the audience who marvels at the wonders of our universe and all that comes manifest within! Yeah!!!

I mean, we already live through others in a way when, for example, we’re fans of celebrities and whatnot, right?

Well! Don’t go around being a stream of negativity for people! I suppose… just go around partaking in your own lil’ stream of possibilities and marvel at that which others show as well!

I mean, since we’re alive, we’re granted a whole stream of possibilities. I mean, in that case, why don’t we make good use of that and truly live, yeah!!

Alright, I think I’m pretty satisfied with this article already, which I’m following up with as a part of my weekly routine. I would say that…

Uh, like, since the universe has kinda blessed with me a decent philosophical mind and writing abilities, I’m best embodying that, ikasu as you call it in Japanese, by making use of it here and spreading whatever good vibes I’m able to with it while enjoying myself too! Like hey, metaphysically speaking, one good thing tends to be that what you’re good at, you’ll tend to enjoy too! Yeah!

Oh, but if you don’t, don’t force yourself! Google the emotional guidance system, yep. May serve as a useful resource? Hm.

Okay, end of article! Have a good week ahead! Kbyee!

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