
The art of requalification is real – going deep

Hey all! So, I’m just gonna share with y’all a practice I’ve been getting more accustomed to over the past few days. Oh, and by the way, I did try to log in to write an article before today, but… it wouldn’t load, so.

Anyway, let’s get started!

So, you’ve probably heard of the phrase shadow work before? If not it’s okay, because I’ll just give a quick summary.

Now, the human is made up of the conscious and subconscious. Shadow work is basically when you delve deep into the subconscious to work on things that had previously gone unnoticed! Like, healing from traumas and all that. Things you’ve kept repressed. They say that the ideal!!! state is when you’ve thoroughly come to accept and embody all aspects of yourself!

And also, they say that human beings are made of energy and we attract things of similar frequency to us within the universe. Yep.

Basically, what this means that we’ve got to learn to remove all those limiting beliefs and whatnot that we have within our minds! Because otherwise, they’ll attract things of a similar frequency to us until we finally come to recognise them, learn our lessons and grow! Right!

Yep, I understand that this article might have a bit of an entry barrier to it. Skip over the article if you’re not ready! Maybe you’ll come to get to want to think about it again in the future? Who knows?

Anyway, so…

Something that happens automatically throughout the day is that thoughts arise in our minds. Some people have more, some people have less. Well, especially so if they’ve done a lot of meditation and learned to clear their minds, I guess. But regardless! These thoughts do! say something about us! And thoughts themselves are a form of energy too!

For instance, let’s say you start wondering about how other people perceive you. Let’s ignore the surface, which is the thought itself. Instead, let’s delve deeper. What might that also say about you?

Well, what that says about you, perhaps, is that you have a lack of self-belief. You need to be perceived well by others in order to perceive yourself well, in other words.

And in that situation, this! is what I’d recommend for you to do.

Declare in your heart, verbally, or whatnot, it doesn’t really matter: What other people think about me doesn’t matter. I fully accept me, I thoroughly embrace me, for I am enough.

Now that’s just a quick example of what I suppose you could say!

Just think about it this way. Your limiting belief is an illusion. Literally!!! Well, in the sense that it’s isn’t true. It’s conditional on you believing in it! It’s like a gap in the crystallised pure whole form of you that is your ideal state that’s yet to be refined and remedied. Thus! What do you do? Well, you firmly declare the truth over it in your heart! Whenever the thought pops up, you declare it.

Like, in the sense that thoughts are energy, you just starve that limiting belief out of energy and fuel the truth belief with your conviction, yep.

See, sometimes we do things without an afterthought, without even having to think about it. It simply is how we have always been and hence that energy has just carried over… we’re used to it, autopilot.

For instance, something I’ve noticed within myself quite recently actually… well, basically it’s kinda like I am super perfectionistic within!! myself and unconsciously believe like, ‘surely there is a’ glaring!! imperfection there that needs to be corrected! I need to really!!! stare myself down and identify it in order to correct it!

Well, I’ll tell you, that aspect of myself has brought me to some really awful places. And recently, after properly starting this habit of requalifying, I’ve come to do this instead. I tell myself the truth.

You are already really really good as you are. There is nothing!!! wrong with you. You’re already so much better than many other people out there! You’re already trying so hard, and in effect you’ve already have such a head start compared to others who don’t even try! You are doing great, man.

Can you see what I was doing there? Basically, after noticing this wrong belief transitioned to pattern within myself, I would no longer supply it with energy. Instead, every time it happens I’ll notice it and be like ah, this is happening again! Nope, this is an irrational, illogical fear! It makes zero, I repeat, zero sense! And I’ll repeat the true belief to myself in my mind. And that belief will hence be reinforced, and persist!

Now, one thing I’ve truly! noticed is that things that I automatically did before instinctively, I no longer feel drawn to do them. I’m like, huh, while staring at where I would have done that before: nope, okay, am not doing that! Yes, I’d have used to, but it’s not happening now!! See, it’s like even awareness itself has such a brilliant power to shine! light and remove old patterns!

Hey, I’ll just let you guys in on a little secret, okay. So earlier, just before I decided what topic I was going to write about… I sensed a hint of a potential limiting thought: will I know what to write about later? Literally like whether the right examples would come to mind, and also because I’m writing this whole article without a plan like points I need to mention! It’s fully ad lib!

But then, what did I firmly declare to myself within my mind? Well, simply put, it was: I trust that the universe will deliver what needs be written to my mind and thus it will flow through me, and so, it will all work out!

See how this practice works? Cool, ain’t it?

You see, whenever you might have limiting beliefs and such, just declare!! the truth into existence! And thus it will be! Yeahh!

Now, I’m gonna talk a bit about why I feel there is a need to do so, okay.

See, something that exists within us is our subconscious mind. And in a sense, aren’t the beliefs and such that exist within our subconscious mind energy as well? And thus, wouldn’t they attract too then?

Huh, they even say that manifestations are delayed by limited beliefs and such, yo.

Like, say you have a desire to be on stage and perform. Thus, if you do it and are in that energy enough, you might really attract that into your life!

However, let’s say that you similarly have a fear of how you are seen. Therefore, you prefer to stay invisible because that’s a comfort zone.

Thus, how can you be recognised? Only by being recognised! can getting invited to perform on stage happen!

Well that’s quite a literal example, but so on and so forth.

Therefore, whenever you recognise that limiting belief happening within yourself, what do you do? Well!

You know, I saw a post or something recently that I really like, the way it puts it. Like basically, these things are basically defense mechanisms.

Like, we have a fear of how we are seen because of our childhood days or whatever, where this was instilled within us as a form of defense mechanism. So now you declare: I thank you, defense mechanism, for how you have protected me thus far. However, I am no longer in need of this protection. Please let it not hold me back as I aspire towards my dreams!

You declare that into existence! And thus enable that new version of you into manifestation!

By the way, since we are energy, the way that we are when doing things is also very important, I must say. I have a bit of a firsthand experience on this I can share too.

Basically, if y’all have been following my blog, you might know that I’ve got a bit of a liking for singing. I’ve also mentioned wanting to integrate it into my life before!

However, it was only a few days ago when I finally succeeded in integrating it, yeahh!!!

So basically, I finally realised that I would kind of sing in a half-defeated mentality when just leisurely singing for fun. Deflated. Internally speaking, yeah. Externally I’m not sure if it shows.

And I found out that what I should actually do is embody the ideal state of doing said activity!! Basically, the right way to do it is turn on that switch and sing as though I have a spotlight on me! As opposed to singing, yes, but kinda feeling lost as to whether it was really integrated into my life or not because I wasn’t really enjoying and living it fully!

So, yes, from an external viewpoint, you look at both versions of me and they are performing the same act, yes. However!!! Internally! They’re worlds apart! One was because ‘I think this will bring enjoyment and happiness to me’ and the other was in ‘this is!!! bringing enjoyment and happiness to me’ because I’m in performer mode! Yeah!!

Again, see the difference?

Hah, and going by the law of attraction, it’s worlds apart! Who knows! Maybe that might really bring something of the kind to me! Anyway.

So basically, the energy!!! you do things with is important, for inner states… kind of dictate outer states too. But well, if that’s hard for ya to believe still, that’s fine! Let’s just go with what we can control first okay.

Most importantly, the idea that I would like to bring to you today is this. Make sure that you are the master of the thoughts that arise in your own mind. Don’t leave any room for imperfection… well, minimally, of course. Think of yourself as… a chef in the kitchen!! Will you allow assistant cooks to help you without washing their hands? Etc etc. No! Certainly not.

Or just imagine the classic person who is somewhat talented yet has a debilitating social anxiety to be honest. They are making efforts, yes. Good for them! However, it’s a real stretch for them! Well! I would hence recommend that first things first, what that person do is make sure they do know what are illusions and what are real, what are conditional limiting beliefs that they’ve been freely giving their energy versus the truth!

Oh, by the way, I’m using truth here as the opposite of limiting belief. Not gonna spend time thinking up metaphysics and definitions, nope.

Alright, so I’m more or less satisfied with this article!!! I get the feeling that it’s been a pretty long one, and I’ve written pretty short ones recently, so… this should be a great place to end it, yeah!

By the way, just a tip that you might wanna try out, okay. Every now and then, you can just go into doing nothing and see what comes ‘uninvited’ into your mind… Wait, isn’t that similar to meditation… Well!! I do that lying down, so. No need to get into fangled positions! Just observe what thoughts come into your mind then. Well, I heard some people have a lot, so… just filter.

Basically, be like a hunter with a net! If you happen to catch any thoughts just slipping by and you just have this strong inner knowledge!! that it is not the truth, declare the truth over it! On hindsight, when I first heard the word requalification from this guy whom I recognise as a super good spiritual teacher, I didn’t really find any practical use for it to be honest. But still! Today, it’s!

As I said earlier, it’s like the pursuit of perfection as I dive in deep. More or less something that I don’t even see myself as having to remind myself to do, now. But now it’s more like… haha. Like I just don’t wanna let strangers into my house!! Untrue thoughts, I gonna convert ya!

So, yeah!! Hopefully you all manage to take away at least a bit of something positive and useful from this article! Bye guys!

PS: Btw, I’m just popping in again to add a belief which I find might be the best in helping to make all those strangers in the house irrelevant, okay. Here it is: I trust that the universe will maneuver the wheel ideally!!, forging the best situation and outcome for me. Yep, it’s basically surrender. Then you don’t have to worry about so many things… Ya know, they say surrendering feels like all that weight getting!! lifted off your shoulders… Ok thx bye!

PPS: Must reiterate: Where your attention goes, your energy too travels… So think about it: Do you know where not to give your energy?? Heheh πŸ™‚

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