
I never see things as they are, I See them as they can be

Hey guys! It’s time for my second article of the week! Now, as is probably visible from the title of this article, it’s about potential. So just think about it this way really. You are performing an activity. And why is it that you perform said activity? Well, it is because you would like to […]


On the fluid exercising of abilities as self-care

Hey all! So I’ve thought of what to write about for my latest article. It’s really about this insight that I’ve just had today, and I’ve no idea how much I’ll be able to milk out of it, as in the length of this article is potentially questionable. Well, but still, that’s just how it […]


How validation is a roadblock to authenticity

Hi all! So earlier in the day I really didn’t have anything I felt like writing about, but then finally a topic came to mind! So I’m just gonna write about it! Yup, so, validation and authenticity. What do you first think of when you hear these two words? Basically, what comes to mind for […]