
The one resting state that brings rest to the weary

This article is about life y’all, so read on and you might learn something! 🙂

Are you someone who tries to achieve your highest potential in life?

If so, you’ll probably feel weary at times.

After all, you’re always striving, striving.

Am I really maxing things out? Is there still more than I can do? Such thoughts will often bombard your mind.

Here’s an ugly truth.

Eventually, you’ll come to realise that self-improvement is actually kind of an unsustainable state.


Well, because it’s never-ending, just seeking, always seeking.

Never satisfied, it always seeks to optimise, improve.

And of course, there’s nothing bad about improving, especially so for those who are stuck at a low level and never ever care much for self-improvement.

But for someone who is always trying to max out their life already, reaching a plateau is really only ever a foregone conclusion. Like, seriously, once you’ve more or less maxed out everything already, weary, weary, traveller, where can you tread further?

So to those for whom self-improvement is second nature, you gotta realise that at one point, it’s more or less really necessary to just call a timeout.

From where you are wracking your brains on what more you can do to further refine the situation, polish the diamond so to speak, just inhale deeply and sigh in relaxation.

Alright, there’s really nothing for you to do. You are enough!! You’re always trying so hard. Surely that counts for something!

No, life does not always have to be about improvement, because at one point it plateaus. And there’s this major trap of no satisfaction!

Yeah, this trap is real!

Let’s take a look at how people view things.

For better or for worse, the human mind is always such that we very regularly update our operating systems to the new model. We always frequently refresh our baseline to the current state of affairs. Here’s an example.

Let’s say you learn to jog.

First it takes you 20 minutes to cover a certain distance. Then it dwindles to 15. Then 10. Finally, 5! But eventually, you find it somewhat hard to make any further improvements. You did good though!

Now, the thing about life is that each time after having achieved something, our mind refreshes such that this becomes our new baseline… Gone were the days we took an agonising 20 minutes! Nowadays, 10 is the standard, and we look to how we can improve further from there!

And that’s generally how we humans look at life!

Obviously, there are so many improvements we have made over time that can really, really be valued and treasured for sure. And maybe hey, we do value and treasure them! But still! From that point forth, it’s more like an automatic integration of things into the standard state of affairs. We unquestionably accept it and think: Now, where can we go from here!!!

And yet, maybe we should have a bit of perspective change on things… No, it’s not that improvements aren’t great and we shouldn’t try to improve. By all means, we should!!! And yet, we really gotta unconditionally value ourselves first, regardless of any improvements and whatnot.

Scenario 1: You think. Alright, I’ve done so many things already. Great job, me. Now, is there anything further I can do?

In this scenario, in striving, this person might just be unconsciously thinking that they are someone who has to earn their own value… Without doing so, they feel empty, like they’re not enough!

…the only way forward is a constant disconcerting harrying forward movement towards illusory improvement, and they’re never satisfied!

Scenario 2: You think. Hey, friend. I’ve done so much already. Look at where I was just a few months ago. And look at where I am now. And look at some people who seem to dwell eternally in their comfort zones. Am I not to be praised to the high heavens? Really, yo, my worth seems immeasurable!

In this scenario the person removes himself from life and all his striving and efforts for a moment, patting himself on the back and recognising all the work that he has done thus far. All right time ta take a break! Great job, good fella!

…the weary traveller unplugs himself from the treadmill of life for a moment and enters a resting state where he fully recognises as well as acknowledges his worth.

I’m done striving for the moment, yo! At this moment, I only see just how eternally valuable, how immeasurably worthy of a person I am!

Because hey, think of it this way.

Strip everyone else away till there is only you left.

If there is no one else around to give words of affirmation, who else to show yourself that love but you?

So in that case, love yourself! First of all, before anything else, be your own best friend!!!

Hey, friend, you’ve worked so, so hard. Now, together with me now. Ya detach yourself from life and its strivings and enter this resting state wherein there is no need to achieve anything. At all. Zilch, nada.

At this moment, realise that you, your worth, are infinite, are everything and enough. There is no need for you to achieve anything, prove or do anything for anyone. Instead, just admire the raw preciousness of your own existence. Ah! Relax. Soak in the tranquil serenity of the moment.

At this moment, there is nothing in life but you, and you are enough.

See? That isn’t hard, is it?

Weary you may be, but there’s no need to always be caught in that web of exertions! Every now and then, take a break, detach yourself and know just how valuable you are! Remind yourself of all your lil strengths and extol yourself as ya chillax, have a great break!

No need to strive, for you are enough! Just soak life in yo!!!

And now, how this can apply to regular people in general as well, even those who don’t really believe in self-improvement. Don’t worry! This can help you too!

Say for example, you’ve been plagued by depression or whatever for some time.

Don’t worry! Be you own best friend, tell yourself about all the good points you have and cheer yourself up! You be your first friend baby!

And on top of that, take a moment to remove yourself from all those problems in life that are plaguing you. Return to just this one moment alone, with only you and nothing else. Feel your breath and the vitality coursing through your body. Celebrate your existence. For!! what is life if not a gift?

Just enter this resting state where you are all there is, and you are enough!! Nothing to strive for, no one to compare with and you may have some places where you’re… slightly questionable, really, but all in all, hey, you love yourself so!!!

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy! And with that, that was the end of my article! Hope y’all learnt something! Byee!

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