
On the irreplaceability of the present moment

Hey guys. So last week, I had two article topics prepared from the get-go, but I was busy on the weekend and well, only one article was written. But well, I have something that I kinda feel a bit like writing now, so. Here goes.

So today the thing that I would like to talk about is the irreplaceability of the present moment… see, let’s split life up into segments of time for a moment.

Now, during each of these segments of life that we have, the present day will present a sort of status quo to us. There is a standard issue daily life playing out for us.

For instance, let’s say one goes from attached to single. Well, before the breakup, they are within a life segment of status quo being attached. After the breakup, they are within a life segment of status quo being single. That’s just how it is. And so this crucial!! thing we have here…

When we are existing within a particular life segment, it is just super easy to take it for granted. Because that’s just how every single day in our lives about that life segment is! It’s just feels so normal to us… But it’s precisely because such a slice of life is so easily accessible to us that we fail to really appreciate it for what it is.

See, the thing about these segments of life is that just so often, they are transient. Yeah, maybe while we are existing within it, we may feel like it’ll never end. However, sooner or later, it does!!, simply because that is how it is. And then we are thoroughly removed from that previous way of life, way of being, and we have to acclimatise to a new normal or status quo. Such is life.

Well, one good way to think about it would surely be the pandemic that erupted a few years ago. Before that, people only wore masks if they were sick or famous. Yet not, it’s so common for people to be just wearing them normally! And things that used to be oh so normal for us thereby became just so… out of our playbooks.

So the way I see it, there are things to be appreciated in every situation. As a believer of spirituality, I might even contend that even bad things happen to teach us a lesson, and ultimately, circumstances should not dictate our states of being.

So right now, let’s use the analogy of singlehood again. In this scenario, even then there are things to appreciate about it! While the partnership later on may bring them much bliss, the singlehood now allows them to… expand on their hobbies, grow their self-love, upend their little character flaws etcetera…

Or maybe let’s used the analogy of being unemployed. Yeah, maybe the person is not earning money now, and they’re sad. Yet, they have all the time in the world, and so much freedom that comes with that! Yeah it’s good when they’re finally employed, but at the same time that comes with commitments and responsibilitie, which somewhat limits ’em.

Or how about the analogy of being famous? Yeah when you’re not known by anyone at all, well… You have no name. You’re not adored and worshipped by all. In a sense, it’s sad! Yet when your talent shines through and you’re finally recognised, oh no! Now, you’re recognised by people wherever you go. Every move you do is scrutinised. You can no longer be low-key.

Basically, my point is that every single segment of our lives that we have, is, in a sense, irreplaceable. In Japanese, it’s kakegae mo nai… Simply use parenthood as an analogy. So, your parents once did nurture!! you as a baby. And they really enjoyed raising you!! Eventually, though, you’re all grown up, and you gotta leave the family…

This is not to say that everyone has an inclination towards being a parent, but in a sense, you’re always growing! From life stage to life stage you progress, and simply put, we can never!! return to the older previous stage.

In that sense, what is every single stage if not an irreplaceable treasure then?

In Japanese, they say ichigo ichie, which I’ll just quickly translate as a single encounter, a single happening. Yes, so maybe certain segments you’ve experienced in life may not be that great. Yet they are things which only happen once! No matter what, you simply aren’t gonna experience them again. In that case, aren’t even these happenings somewhat irreplaceable, precious memories for you? Priceless?

In life, we’re always striving towards better. That’s just how it is.

However, just think about the origin stories of those high achievers. Hey, don’t you think that their down and out, destitute times form a brilliant, invaluable part of their story? And hey, just think about it. Don’t they say that it’s precisely because of that that they can relate emotionally to how it’s like to be us?? And isn’t it with people with whom we can emotionally resonate with that we laud and follow?

Anyway, what I’m trying to say is really this. Just think of any! satisfying, good story that you’ve read. Or just think about a play, a movie, that you watch. It’s precisely because the stakes are high, all the momentousness of everything with all the trials and tribulations that they actually mean something to us! Otherwise, if our emotions flatlined… it wouldn’t bring us for a roller-coaster ride now, would it?

So what I would like to say is this. Yeah, I would indeed like to say that since your state of being is technically determined by you as a creator, perhaps you DO have the choice of deciding if you’re happy or not. However!!! I suppose that’s just too far removed from many people because it’s so easy to think that I only reacted this way because this happened to me as opposed to could I have chosen to react any other way?

So, another perspective that I’m venturing is this. The segment of life that we’re experiencing is, in a way, impermanent!! because change is the only constant. Just liken it to how we’re always growing up and an additional act is always happening in our figurative script of life. Not unless we’re forever in meditation with empty minds, hah!

In the process of moving to the following segment of life, we cannot but adapt to it. The old segment has been written and the ink has dried. So, there are a few things that we can learn from this. and we should too.

During the segments that we’re in, it’s just so easy to think of how desired segments would be so much better for us… We grieve.

Yet, hey!! When these desired segments actually come, there will be some things that you kinda lose too!

And please! Did you really max out your happiness level at that point to the fullest, or was much of your attention future-oriented!

Well, it much of your attention was future-oriented, can you guarantee that from then on you will be able to always live in the present and not suffer from dissatisfaction and such? Because you see, isn’t it that every segment, however ideal it is, will still present to us a different challenge huh!

Since every moment is once in a lifetime, please, why not live it to the fullest now!

In addition, while it’s good to be growth-oriented, don’t ever!! forget about all the struggles you’ve gone through! See, if you’re in a sense perfectionistic and always thinking huh, this would be better… well man!! That’s an enduring state that will always continue even amidst the attainment of such goals you know! Please, don’t be too hard on yourself and the people around you and know to be satisfied and appreciate what you’ve done, how far you’ve come, okay!

See, to sum up the article, I just want to mention this sort of message that always pops up every now and then for me, that I see in videos. Like, for you pages and such!

Basically, remember that life is a journey, an adventure, meant to be enjoyed! Please don’t take it too seriously okay!! Yeah sure, you can be seeking, striving, attaining. Still, that cannot exactly be your default state! See, the ideal state is that of the adventurer, ease, eyes wide open with wonder, experiencing, challenging, attaining, laughing ruefully.

In other words. Be satisfied with what you have and remember that you’re supposed to improve in order to make your life better, not that just improving alone is an end in itself yeah! Get rid of that, alert state wherein you’re always meticulously scanning your life, amidst life, looking for imperfections or blemishes that you’ll then remove.

Instead, remember that hey!! You’re amidst life, friend! So absolutely!!!! remember that it’s precisely that life that you’re experiencing that you wanna polish and refine. Don’t! be overly fixated… such that you end up distancing, separating yourself from it and therefore become unable to properly savour and enjoy it. Yep.

Locate and treasure those activities that allow ya to BE in life satisfactorily, blessedly, in relish!

So, once more, let me reiterate. Observer mode and contemplation is good and all, but at the end of the day, it’s only useful insofar as it truly nicely helps max out your life!

Well, long rant over. Alright, Daimon out! Bye!

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