
Good stuff that you might wanna pin to your notes app

Hey all! This just happens to be like my twentieth real post ever since I started writing again on this blog. So I was trying to brainstorm something great to write about, but it led to some delays…

Anyway! I’ve finally decided what I’m gonna write about.

This won’t be a very long article, though!

Alright, let’s get started!

Now, you might or might not be making use of the notes app on your phone, and it really is no biggie whether or not you do!

However, in my personal opinion, there is one very great function it has.

And that is simply to write down the overarching themes that you have for your life!

For reference, I’ll just relay what I have on mine, and maybe you can consider whether you wanna try something similar then, alright?

So in my notes app, there are two columns.

On the top two columns of my notes app are:

I live and express myself authentically and to the fullest. I am a radiant sun.

As well as:

Don’t put pressure on yourself

Soar with the wind like air

Feel light and smile

Heheh… how’s that for some introductory notes to brighten up a day!

These are the first things whenever I open up my notes app!

And hey it’s there for a reason, so why not use it!

Anyway, moving on…

My third note is one of affirmations.

Like, you know how saying affirmations wires the subliminal in the subconscious and helps make sure you don’t secretly hate yourself? Something of the kind, anyway.

So I’ve got stuff like I am complete and I belong there. Truly a good thing to have pinned if anything I feel!

And as for my fourth note, it is something like a love letter to myself! Like, I’m a student of self-love yo.

So most recently, today actually, I added in stuff I most! like about me, which includes things like positivity, growth mindset etcetera…

And that’s pretty wonderful and sufficient to have pinned in your notes already I feel! You can look and refer to them at any time to feel better about yourself!

But still, let me just end off with what I have for my final, fifth and sixth pinned notes, okay. Like, just in case it proves itself useful as reference material see.

So my fifth note contains my interests, commitments and whatever. I pretty much employ this for self-knowledge, to summarise myself. Perhaps some people won’t need it because it is too clear to ’em!

And my sixth note contains some life ‘quests’ that I might wanna work towards as well as the main important events of note from every single day!

You could potentially use something like that to look back on how far you’ve come!! and give yourself a good ole’ pat on the back for all yer hard work!

And alright, that’s it!

I hope this proves useful in some way, shape or form!

I know some people write journals, but that ain’t so helpful to me, so…

Whatever. Just go along with life and test things out along the way and eventually, you’ll find what’s best for you! That is the way to live, innit!

Bye for now! May your notes, if any, sanctify you!

And remember, recall what you have, relish it for a moment and rejoice!

Like the wise ones say, feeling gloomy over what you don’t have doesn’t get you anywhere. Huh! You’ll only overlook, take for granted what you do have. Thus,,,

Recall, relish, rejoice!

That’ll evoke content, peace!

Like, anywhen! Goo!

Ahhh. Peace out.

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