
On embodying and exemplifying the true self

Hey all!

So like, I actually tried to log in here to write an article like yesterday, and the day before yesterday, but for some reason there was some technical error and I just couldn’t receive the OTP for a login. Truthfully, I was going to send an email or something if I couldn’t today either, but it seems everything’s resolved!

So, good. It’s time for me to write again! Yay!

So today I’m going to talk about spiritual growth and stuff. Sit back, relax, and hopefully you’ll absorb something! Now into the article proper.

So one thing about us as human beings is that in our lives, we’ll inevitably get conditioned growing up.

For example, an example of a conditioning pattern, especially in Asia, could be: I’ve gotta achieve so that my family will have face! I must do this impressive thing so that I, and by extension them, look good!

Unfortunately, this simultaneously can lead to the limiting self-belief of ‘well then, this also means that if I don’t manage to achieve this, I am totally worthless! I’m not enough! I don’t deserve to exist!’ etcetc.

But please! This isn’t actually true! In fact, you’re worthy simply by existing!

And yet this so-called conditioning accumulated especially in our youth implants such erroneous negative beliefs within us, leading to self-esteem issues and the like… At least, before we uproot them!

So first of all, let us accept the prime belief by spiritual people that the purpose of life is none other than spiritual growth.

In light of that, even as these erroneous beliefs are like trials for us, they are also life lessons that we’re here to take away wisdom from.

Now even as these limiting beliefs are false, they are something which our ego selves believe to be true, something which we must fulfil. As we believe we need to achieve, so do we try to do so.,, At least, until one day, all of a sudden, the epiphany comes: it’s all an illusion!! In accordance to that, we are relieved on those oh so heavy burdens that we’ve placed on our poor selves, only then starting to truly live.

So regarding our life journey, an ever essential component of it is to remove what is not truly us from the equation!!!

See, you can think of it as like… an impetus of sorts… Due to those erroneous beliefs you have within you, you are propelled towards performing certain actions that you mistakenly believe are quite necessary to embody you.

For example, an obvious example would be validation.

I want to make everyone like me! Only then will I feel good about myself.

And so you take this adorable selfie of yourself and post it on your social media account, or something like that.

But hey! If you really do all the inner work and dig deep, perhaps you might come to realise that… I’m only doing this because I feel like I’m not loved!!! All I’m doing is trying to validate myself… and feel loved!

And the law of attraction and all that states that you will only attract what you’re ready for. If you’re in a low vibration, you’ll only ever attract what’s in that vibration to teach you that lesson you need. Ultimately, it’s when you embody the right vibration, performing actions out of pure, right intentions that you’ll naturally, oh-so-smoothly attract what’s in line with you!

See, it’s not even that beauty, for example, is a bad thing. Instead, one might even think that all beauty is that o-almighty Divine expressing itself!

Still, you’ll only ever get what you’re asking for. If underlying your output of energy is merely a desire for a quick one-time ego boost affirming your worth, well, that’s quite pitiful in the sense that it foundationally only attracts shallow people who think beauty is skin deep.

However, what if your goal is simply the appreciation of beauty as this art form? Why then, that is something that even a very wise old soul can really resonate with! And you can still totally vibe on it, and even make long-term acquaintances that you really resonate with…

So I don’t really know where I’m going with this but I suppose if some insight should be gleaned from all that, it would be something like: A person’s inner intentions and beliefs from which they derive all their actions are what truly matter.

See, the thing is that whatever we give our energy to, we maintain.

Correspondingly, if we constantly allow the thoughts that we are unworthy or whatever to seep through and not filter them out of our minds, they’ll remain as part of us and an impetus for our actions for as long as we do not gently, lovingly say ‘no, I do not agree that this is me’.

And in line with that, we should make sure that whenever these false beliefs arise, we should immediately let the alert bells ring within. Capture them, tell them ‘no, I know that this is NOT true’ and… naturally, replace them with the true beliefs!

For instance, going back to the previous example of posting on social media for mere validation alone.

Hey! Please tell yourself, firmly, gently, with conviction: I am beautiful! Or: I am loved! As and when it’s needed!

Like, sooner or later, you’ll declare them into being and the negative beliefs will no longer come to haunt you. You will no longer be a playtoy being propelled by these false beliefs to do any action.

Rather, you’ll be fully free to make the most out of yer life!

At least, the practice of doing these affirmations as and when the moment flows into it is something I believe is a really nice habit!

See, many people live under the trap of conditioning, because an inevitable autopilot ensues as they never ever question. Like, for example, they live day-by-day in survival mode without even an attempt! to actually live!

But once you start weeding out and firmly uprooting these weird detrimental beliefs within you that, for want of a better phrase, literally turn you into their slaves, you’ll find that the world is so vast, and free! The world’s your oyster, they say, and it’s really true that the paradigm shifts that occur therein can blow the mind!

So, I would therefore say that a foremost step to becoming our truest! selves is to weed out that which is not actually part of ourselves but merely impetuses or impulses of the ego.

A step which flows quite nicely with that, in my opinion, is to truly trust the universe.

Like, if the main function of the universe is spiritual growth, do you think it would let us drop into a rut when here we are, doing our best to grow?!

No! Obviously not!!! On the contrary!

One viewpoint spiritualists might have is that everything is part of a greater divine plan, and that if you truly commit yourself to growth, everything will fall in place for you. Synchronicities and etcetera, everything will align to bring you to your very highest purpose.

However, well, this is not so easily achieved! Knowledge can be accumulated, but actual experience and embodying are required to properly build faith, so… let’s not talk about that for now.

Just return to what we were talking about before. So first of all, you remove from the equation of your life what you know is not you. Ok, maybe for now you have to maintain this and that which are still kind of… necessary to have, it appears. Regardless!

At the very least, allocate some space to truly excavate yourself and all you can be.

See, the way I really, really believe is seeing people as their highest potential. Well of course! That doesn’t mean you should let them go tread all over you! But still!

There is the light, and the darkness. If you ain’t for the darkness, why then, why not aim for the light? Aim for the path of reaching your oh highest potential!!!

And here, there’s something that I really need to mention.

In spiritual growth, one of the core, essential components is to fully, truly integrate every single part of yourself.

Like something which people do, for example, is to repress parts of themselves which they feel are unacceptable.

But I firmly believe that in life authenticity is key, and one of the so essential steps in achieving that authenticity is to fully integrate like literally every single part of yourself!!!

It’s a logical next step, isn’t it? Like, think of yourself as a field of potential. Then, the way to embody and manifest that potential into actuality – how could it possibly be anything other than n integration of!!! every single part of yourself?

Your highest self is when you’re already living to the max every single aspect of yourself!

Yeah, some people are more talented in multiple different fields, and while some may be super specialised in one specific field, others can indeed spend a select amount of time on several. But still! That really just be the glory of diversity! It’s simply how things are!!!

So, anyway, just think about what I said for a moment. Use this analogy. Think of yourself as a flower.

Aim to allow yourself, as that flower, to fully bloom and radiate in all its limitless luminosity!

Shouldn’t that be the goal of life?

Well, of course, perhaps there are some people, for whom this simply cannot apply?

But in that case, to spiritual people, it’s all the same.

Remember, you are a being of the light! Do not let them stain you with their darkness!

In other words, let their negative energy just bounce off you and do NOT let yourself be stained by it! Remove yerself if ya have to!

Alright, I think I’ve written enough for this article. To be honest, the last two days I tried to write articles, I was planning to write about different topics, and I just stumbled upon this topic right!! before trying to write this article…

I mean, I didn’t even really have much plans for it! It just flowed out as it is. But well, it seems to have gone pretty well! 🙂 But now it’s like I’m tired after running for several rounds (running is an analogy!), and so I think that this is as good a place to stop as any rather than just panting and trying to soldier on for a bit longer at a much slower speed!

At least, I kinda feel that this length is pretty good alr!

And so, that’s all for today! Hope that I won’t have further problems logging in to post articles on my lil’ old blog next time! Really, huh!

And so, have a good day y’all! Hope you can take something away which well and truly sticks from this article!! Gonna go rest now!

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