
The 4 stages to attaining enlightenment

Hey all! So this evening, I was thinking about spirituality and gained quite a bit of insights and did quite a bit of theorycrafting. So I was actually gonna write this article tomorrow, but oh well, it seems I somehow or other will simply be doing this now! instead! Oh yeah!

So in this theorycrafting, I am going to be combining a couple of preexisting systems that have already been presented by others. Following that, I will merge and combine them, all into one!

Alright, let’s get started.

So first of all, we have the Hawkins scale of consciousness that y’all might or might not have heard of.

Alright, so the four stages I’m gonna talk about will correlate to the top 4 on the scale here: love, joy, peace and enlightenment! Alright.

Next, I’ll also be referring to the seven chakras that are a pretty mainstream form of spiritual knowledge. Yeah, the top 4 ones.

So just in case you didn’t know already, they are: heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra!

Yep, so that’s mostly it! I’ll also be referring a little to two of the more mainstream religions that I’m more familiar with, Buddhism and Christianity, yeah.

Alright, so without further ado, let’s begin!!!

Stage 1: Heart – Love

Think about something which is common to all religions. What comes to mind? Well, for me, really, it’s love!

Think about it. Just from memory alone, I can remember that in Christianity, Jesus would point at the starving beggar and say stuff like ‘if you did not feed him, you did not feed me’.

Meanwhile, love is also very important in Buddhism as one of the core concepts is to have a heart of compassion or 慈悲心。One of the core desires that the enlightened ones have is to raise all the poor suffering beings out of the sea of bitterness or 脱离苦海 so to speak. They talk about karma and how doing good deeds is good. As what goes around comes around, help others and you are also helping yourself.

Now, out of religion. Doesn’t this really, really resemble what they call agape or universal love???

Down in the depths prior to this process of starting out on enlightenment, people seem to be stuck in ego consciousness. A characteristic is how they are all stuck in competition and keep on trying to one-up others, vying for money, fame and power. Meanwhile, they do it at the expense of other living beings… And wars and stuff happen. As do stuff like othering and segregation be it xenophobia, homophobia etc.

So the first stage of enlightenment is where we basically outgrow all of that. We see everyone as equal. We don’t feel a sense of competition and instead live from harmony and unity, gravitating towards feeling happy for others and sharing their joy as opposed to feeling jealous of them.

In other words, it’s no longer a zero-sum game but one of inclusivity. No longer are people working for their own selfish gain alone as they begin to care about other people, the environment and all of that. They might or might not volunteer in their free time, but the most prominent characteristic of all is basically that they show care, concern, love, rather than being abusive, unable to understand or empathise, scorn.

Now isn’t that a real good level? Heh!

Well, I’ve heard that many people aren’t even on this level yet, but we who are gravitate towards those who are similar and stay away from low vibes and only ever know people who are like this. See, some people grow up in bad families whereas for others this is simply a norm.

Stage 2: Throat – Joy

Now, let’s talk about stage 2! Now basically, if I had to describe the throat chakra in two words, I would use the words expression and authenticity. And how does that relate to joy? …Let me explain.

See, think about classic enlightenment and what do you think of? Well, basically, it’s more about wholly removing yourself from the material world and abstaining from all your worldly desires and all that! But heyy, that doesnt’ seem very appealing, does it now?

Yep, it isn’t.

And that’s why I would like to present the viewpoint that that is but an outdated mode of enlightenment. Well perhaps in the past, such was the norm! In order to become an enlightened being, you got to see past all the illusions and give them up and all that, okay.

So in a sense, it sounds like you’d have to live life like a monk AND cease all enjoyment as you remove yourself from all the pleasures!

Doesn’t sound very appealing, does it?


Well, my personal view is that that is but an outdated mode of spirituality… Instead, think about the throat chakra and what it represents! …Or maybe, just think about it this way. Did the oh supreme! creator create this reality for everyone to just be sitting in meditation forever and living like monks? Huh!

Well, I certainly don’t think so! The way I see it, everyone’s lives collectively weaves a colourful tapestry, spins a brilliant epic!

And that IS!! precisely why we were placed on this Earth!

So yeah, yeah, I suppose some people’s life purpose and heart’s desire is to live as monks. Well, all the best to them! Respect and love!

However, to us normal human beings, hey, just think about it!

Surely one of our greatest achievements in life would be to discover! that which truly resonates with us and truly live it out, aka expression! Fully clad in authenticity, let us live to the fullest potential of our gifts!!

And hey, just think about it.

Isn’t living a dull and colourless life thoroughly without meaning? And in contrast, isn’t living a life in true alignment with our selves one which brings us lasting joy and fulfilment all throughout amidst our journeys?

Hey, love is great and all, but it still isn’t the be all and end all yo! A medium is still needed for that love to be transmitted through, and basically, that medium is none other than our expression modes!

Yosh! Great. Now, moving on!

Stage 3: Third eye – Peace

Now, right off the bat, y’all might think: ok, so how in the world does the third eye have to do with peace? But let me assure y’all, I’m being serious here! I’ve got something!!

Now, allow me to explain myself.

So basically, if asked to describe the third eye chakra with ONE word, I’d use the word intuition, that inner knowing which transcends! logic.

See, how do most people act? Well, hmm, I can think of two sources which fuel people’s actions. One, it’s more like they react, based on those triggers or whatever in their unhealed subconscious. Hmph.

Two, well, they operate solely based on logic and reason alone!

But hey, just take a quick look at the Hawkins scale again yo.

Woah! Reason is just one step below love and the four stages!

So basically, what I wanna say is that reason and logic, whilst technically great and all, because perhaps there is no wisdom without rationality, are not the be all and and all. See, those who are more familiar with spirituality will know of what’s called intuition.

Basically, our minds are limited! They can only grasp the 3D plane and what is readily apparent. However, there is a deeper underlying spiritual dimension and all that, and with intuition, sometimes, people somehow just gave an inner knowing of things that is not based on any apparent logic or fact!

Well, anyways, spiritual people value intuition over reason. What is reasonable? Well, that’s just via lots and lots of mental activity and overthinking. Meanwhile, the deeper part of us has access to this unexplainable wisdom that transcends the confines of the limited mind.

Ok, let’s hop over to religion for a bit. Do you remember how Jesus would say things like: I do not act of my own accord? I only do what I see the Father doing?

Well, basically, from my grasp of it, that’s a heightened level of intuition known as non-doership, where the person in question has evolved to the point where they are more of a witness to the actions carried out by life itself through the body. You could also say that intuition now lives the person via their body and they are only witnessing the body’s actions.

Wow. Sounds kinda elusive and hard to grasp? Well, regardless, that’s just the way it is! In fact, the Buddha seems to also have a quote about non-doership. I’ll just paste it here: Events happen, deeds are done, and consequences also happen, but there is no individual doer thereof.

Anyway, that seems like kind of a hard concept to grasp, so let’s just talk about something related, surrender.

Something very important in religion and spirituality is faith. So in essence, if you have faith, you basically just trust you intuition and submit completely to the divine will that is guiding your actions. A consequent characteristic is that whatever happens, even if it may appear bad at first glance, you say: everything happens for! me.

So you just trust that with your limited mind, you are unable to grasp what is best for you. Meanwhile, the divine with their great wisdom and unconditional love know what’s best for you, and that is how events ultimately unfold. Surrender is when you fully hold faith that whatever happens, it’s all for my highest good.

For example, this door did not open for me because there is a door more suited for me that is going to open. Or it is a delay while I am readied for what is to come…

Anyway, basically, what happens at the end of the day, with all the oh great! faith in the divine that you have, is that you fully surrender, trust, submit. And thus you put up literally zero resistance to life, and just feel that everything is happening as it is meant to happen!

Like, bro. How could you NOT feel peace with that!

So basically, this third stage of enlightenment is where you have simply fully surrendered and completely enter and merge! with the flow of life.

Stage 4: Crown – Enlightenment

And now we come to the fourth and final stage! Whew!

So if I were to describe the crown chakra with just one word, I’d use the word connection, or connection to the universe!

So primarily, I see this stage as an extension of the previous.

So, you’ve surrendered fully to the flow of the divine and allow it to be your wayshower.

Why then, what it does then is that so it literally!! shows you the way!

So basically, this stage of enlightenment is where the divine has finished doing all its work and led you to a place where you are truly enacting your divine purpose that best resonates with authentic you and is thoroughly loving, warm, accepting, inclusive and all of that.

And now, hey!! You’re fully living your purpose!!! It can more or less be said that you have already achieved your highest self! Like, woah! What more could you ask for?!

And think about unity consciousness for a sec. See, everyone has a specific talent in a specific area, and everyone’s gift encompasses a different area, and together, all of this come together, encapsulating perfection.

Whew. Now surely, when you’ve managed to achieve this, that just! precisely is the final stage of grand completion! Like, yeah!

Right, oh, before I forget. Let’s add a bit more to this equation too.

Now, to be honest, I feel that there’s one last missing factor that must appear here in order to do this enlightenment stages article justice! And so, alright, let me put it down here!

Basically, connection to the universe. Enlightenment is where you have achieved the extremity of that!

So basically, when you have achieved such a high level of connection to the universe, you no longer feel a sense of separation with other people. Word has it that you can even feel as though everybody is yourself! I mean, that’s what they say!

Okay, let’s go think about how Jesus was asking people to treat everybody as though they were him… hmm, let’s leave oneness.

Instead, I mean, you can go full on blast mode with love, which some people say is THE essence of this universe, and try to experience that for yourself! I mean, if you so desire, or course!

I’ll just refer to something which I feel just perfectly describes enlightenment.

Did you know that according to Buddhism, every. single. person. has potential to become a Buddha? Like, seriously, every single person!

Also, did you know that that word, ‘Christ’, really means ‘anointed one’, and that spirituality refers to the lofty state of consciousness that Jesus Christ had reached as ‘Christ consciousness’?

Well, what this should prove to you is that every single person has the potential to become enlightened! As for how exactly that state of enlightenment feels like, well! You can just leisurely go and experience!! that state for yourself when the time comes!

But probably, I think that it’s kind of like a ‘one with the world’ state, resembling how people talk about martial realms like ‘one with the sword’. But you needn’t quote me on that though! Only gleaning!

Writer signing off: Small talk

So basically, these are the four stages of enlightenment that I’ve theorycrafted this evening! Man, to think I was actually looking randomly at spiritual awakening stages videos a day ago for fun. Ironic!! Huh!!

But anyway, I feel I’ve done a pretty good job of this, and I feel happy with the article! And whew, what this means is that I won’t have to go write an article tomorrow! I can go rest! Yay!

Anyway. Final word. Everyone, let’s strive for enlightenment together! Remember, this is not me telling y’all to go shave your heads and be a recluse, but to find what truly resonates with you and do your best! to serve the collective via your mode of expression with universal love!

Heh! Yeahh! Alright. Daimon, signing out!

Oh, for once, let me try doing this too.

Ahem. Love and light, everyone!


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