
What you always return to is your cornerstone

Hi, today’s article is probably going to be a relatively short one.

Today, I’m going to talk about a fundamental concept which I feel is quite important to grasp.

And it really isn’t that much of a hard concept at all.

See, just think about it this way.

What is it that is so well integrated into your life that no matter what, you always just find yourself returning to it? Alright, doesn’t need to really be super integrated. More of like, something that you can now already confidently declare as a daily routine of yours.

I’ll use myself as an example again and just name a few. One thing I appear to be more or less doing daily already is like, Japanese, be it reading the light novel or listening to a podcast. I just find that it is something I can stick to.

And well, another one would be my self-made yoga routine. I can actually do it daily more or less, though maybe not when I’m sick.

So as I see it, daily routines are oh so precious and valuable to us. Something as simple as drinking a daily cup of coffee can be one! Basically, it provides you a consistent dose of enjoyment over time. Simply put, isn’t it a sustainable long-term source of pleasure for you?

But let’s not think that these things are like so super easy to create, okay. Really, not everything is cut out to make it onto that list!!

For example, think of how I was saying in a few recent articles how playing games made me feel good. Yeah, that is true. However!! Unfortunately I’ll get tired of it fast and so can’t do it daily!

Yeah, sometimes, the presence of such activities is thoroughly null within me so to speak and they can bring light into my life. Shoot glorious blazes of inspiration into it!

And yet, do it for a few days straight and I find that I’m running out of the ability to fully immerse myself therein! A part of me just doesn’t want to anymore!! Cue overthinking 101. Bah! Just cut that. Easy conclusion: Yeah, I admit that this activity can enliven me after too long an absence from it. Even so. I cannot do said activity too often! Why? Well, because I simply don’t have it in me to do so! Life decrees!

So sometimes there are things that we go do every once in a while, but not always. What conclusion can we draw? Well, I don’t really think it is super necessary to make yourself go at it daily for an extended period to know that okay, this activity simply is not a sustainable pleasure source for me!!!

So let nature and what is natural be a mirror and you simply watch the reflection of yourself in it. Oftentimes, the frequency at which you do activities is an ideal rate for it relative to you, is it not?? For instance, you’re a super introvert. Yet once every 3 weeks, you find an urge to head out and chill with some friends. But if asked to do it more like, every week… uh, nope! Sorry!

Many a times, life itself displays to us the suitability of something relative to us through our desire and our need for said thing. Yep.

And this brings me to what I feel is a very important point.

Well! Let’s say you’re looking to maximise your own routine.

How do you start?

Well, the very first thing you should do is evidently to settle down the foundation or cornerstone of your life in place!!! And that’s none other than what sustainably invigorates you, that you are able to always! keep on doing!

Like hey, just think about it. If like, reflecting on my life for my self-growth wasn’t an integral part of me, do you think that I’d have been conceivably able to consistently write like over 30+ articles over the countless weeks that’ve passed since I resumed doing this blog? Noo!

So obviously, these elements are fully proven in their ability to serve you as sustainable sources of meaning and fulfilment in your life!

Meanwhile, there are other activities which just aren’t so thoroughly integrated. At most, well… if you have nothing better to do, perhaps you’ll think: well, why not I add a dose of this, a dash of that, to my life??

In other words, it’s isn’t exactly something like the daily routine yet, where you’ll finish an activity and then happily tick it off a checklist!

Meanwhile, some things appear promising, like maybe you could actually spend a bit of time on it every now and then, but, tbh….

Maybe, just maybe it could actually evolve to become a thoroughly integrated and constant part of your life, yes. However, that remains questionable! It’s something to be seen! Right now, it’s merely a thing with hints of promise, perhaps a project of yours that you’ve committed to seeing through.

By the way, the daily thing, it doesn’t actually have to be daily! Like huh I don’t post articles here daily! So let me correct that: it’s more of a regular thing, still part of your routine, yeah. Just maybe more weekly than daily. Like, that’s kinda how badminton has been for me too, really!

So, in order to build your life as your great project with you as a kind of game character in mind, the first thing’s first is to fill up everything that can!!! sustain you regularly with its does of meaning and fulfilment. A way of seeing the remaining process is to fill in the remaining puzzle pieces in the gaps that remain. Rounding it off for a deluxe artwork!

Of course, there’s still something important that I must say about this deed of filling in the gaps. Because I feel that this should not be taken lightly at all!! Instead, it should also be viewed with the utmost regard!

Just think about it this way, see. Even these very activities that you partake it on a limited basis are, in a sense, also one-of-a-kind!

The sense of gratification that they grant you – event they are not a perfectly elementary element!

For instance, let’s say you like to watch shows in your free time… In doing so, well, you definitely have standards! You wouldn’t just watch any lousy random thing!!! Rather, you’d sieve ’em through and draw out the ones that attract you more!

So, think about it. Even much thought goes into what shows you like to see, what games you like to play, what novels you like to read. Having said that, how could you possibly still conceivably say that they are a minor element of your life compared to the rest? No!! Even these sort of define your personality and can serve as a conversation topic or meshing point for people with similar interests!!

…Enough said. All I want to say is to not underestimate these things that appear minor at first glance. Embrace every single element of your life! You could even consider every single aspect of living an act of divine worship if you were keen to do so, really. But at the very least, hey! Derive the part of you truly treasuring life like a precious gem from it, why don’t you!

Anyway, if you’re struggling to get your life together, and even going to the verge of overthinking even, I would recommend this. Think of all the activities that are integrated, are already a routine, are this real cornerstone of your life! Then, partake in these activities!!!

These activities serve as a real stabilising force for you. One, if you wanna let you mind run wild, at least finish your routine first! You’re free to let yourself go do whatever you want after that!!! First relish it! Two! Hey!! It’s not that you’re utterly lost, tbh. Just think of these parts of your life which you’ve been taking for granted! Don’t forgot about them, okay!!! Remember all that they can!!! give you, sustainably!

Like, don’t forget about what you have because of what you do not have. First, ride on what you have. These things are just so precious to you as elements of you! And hey, even after things are problem solved for ya, won’t you still find yourself returning to these same things anyway? Because they’re a part of you!!!

Let me put in a quick word about judgment and perception as comes from the MBTI, okay. Now regarding this dichotomy, I identify as a perception dude. I like to be spontaneous and go with the flow, yeah. Leave things open!

But still! Even then I can grasp the importance of routine! As I said earlier, they serve as a sustainable source of meaning and fulfilment. Hey, just think about it!! If ya consider life as the piecing of a puzzle piece, well! These are precisely the pieces that you’ve already located which resonate with you, enliven you. Well then! Yeah!! Identification complete, gratification secured!

As in, everyone is unique, yeah. Everyone has different things which match their energy, align with them. So once you have filtered stuff through, you’ll find some things that work for you, and some that, unfortunately, do not work for you. Well then! The things that gloriously! work, they stay in your life! They encapsulate you, complete you!!!

And that’s the end of my article for today. I’d only written one this week, so I was kinda racking my brains to think of something to write, and so ultimately I settled on this. Hope it makes sense! Heh. Time for lunch!

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