
Don’t underestimate the cathartic release of baggage

Hi! So something happened to me yesterday that was kind of like, as soon as it happened, I knew that I was going to write about it! And so, let the sharing begin!

So basically, I have been doing something recently. So presently, I am in this group whereby we’re taking turns telling one another about certain problems troubling us in pairs, and what we’re trying to do is really effectively draw out as much material as we can out of the other party, to get a picture as clear as possible. As for why we’re doing that I will not expand on that. Alright.

So basically, what happened is that yesterday, I had one such discussion with someone else in that group, and I personally feel that the experience really affected me quite deeply? And why?

Well, it’s because I had never really told anyone about that problem before, and as I was speaking it was really, truly like I was unloading loads and loads of stuff that was pent up within me, all the efforts plus striving plus emotions that had accumulated for so long with no one any the wiser but me.

Well obviously, I’m not going to share about what the issue was because that is very private to me.

But simply put, I had never had an avenue to let that out before… Once that session was over, it was like a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

No, it was not like the person gave me fantastic, brilliant solutions or anything. Nah, not at all! Instead, the person simply listened and was there for me as I poured my heart out.

What is that if not a cathartic release?

So first of all I would like to speak of myself with regard to this problem. Basically, what I had been doing was just doing by very ‘bestest’ in facing this issue. And just because of that, when I spoke about it, there was just loads and loads of material piled up! And this person served as a medium or channel for all the material to be poured out of me.

And right now, what is my stance regarding this issue?

Well, obviously, this issue is still very important to me. However, it is like a great weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It’s like… say you got a figurative river inside of you. And now the river has been oh run to exhaustion! And in a sense, that translates to a sense of inner peace, as well as you know, the kind of feeling that you get after a very nice workout.

What is my main takeaway from this?

Well, sometimes we don’t exactly need people to come up with ideas that help us alleviate, counter and solve our problems. Just as significant, really, is to release the baggage of that all!

Right now, after this baggage has been released and dumped off of me, I literally can kind of feel a sense of lightness in my heart. And I know that there is no need, nor a desire for me to vent! about this problem again in a future session with said group. I’m satisfied so to speak.

Yep. Probably I’ll go see if there is an issue with a similar vein within me that I can just so relaxedly, so contentedly vent about for minutes on end and feel super relieved about afterwards, but in my opinion that does not exist. Hah. And a great fortune too that it doesn’t, man!

But anyway, this issue has led me to think about certain things. For instance, if you consider that the truth of the universe is quantum physics and all, we’re all made out of energy to be honest. Yep.

And what is this thing that I released yesterday if not energy?

Previously, I had no idea of its existence at all. I truly felt that it was all and good since I have always been doing my best to alleviate said issue.

But after yesterday, the way I see it has changed somewhat.

Said issue must have actually existed within me as an overload dumpster blockage of energy in a sense!!! Which I had overlooked thoroughly, because how!! would I have known that which is contrary?

But know, with great great gratitude to yesterday’s session, said pent up energy within me has been released.

You know, I have always been kind of in a sense, sort of a bit independent. As in, I’m not needy or codependent etc. I.e. said disconsolate tales are simply not told to others in any way, ever.

And yet, after yesterday’s session, I realised just how important of a thing it is to do so!!

See, honestly, truly, however good at accepting problems and soldiering on you may be, these problems still can exist within you as these pitiful little energy blockages. In a sense, these blockages are!!! weighing you down!

Conclusion: You need people to vent stuff to, in order to unload all the baggage on you!

See, some people tend to have this misperception that: hey, you know, I’m doing the best I possibly can yo, I have this all under control huh!

And thus they simply go without sharing their issues to anyone.

And yeah, I must say that it could be dangerous to just go share stuff around to anyone!

However, even then, even then, you know, they are going with all!!! that stuff stuck within them, all the striving, all the effort, all the obstacles. If given a chance to talk about it for real, it’d be like a dam was removed and all at once the blocked water gushes out like an endless stream.

Hey, yo. How is that not a problem!!!

You know, you can even think about like, the law of attraction for a moment.

See, the law of attraction says that you attract things that are of a similar frequency to your vibrations.

So I don’t know how accurate this is but just think about it for a second kay. So now, there is so much baggage trapped within your emotional body compartment. Huh, might that not even attract stuff of similar frequencies, thus prolonging the event?

Here, I must emphasise that this is just a random thought. I don’t remotely know how applicable this is.

Now, contrast it to this.

Whoosh! You vent, pour out all of your baggage, dismiss all blockages!!! previously stuck within ya. Now there is oh so much room for all the good stuff to come in yeah!!!

Or just forget about all of this and think about the feeling of liberation and freedom that the discarding of said baggage can give you. Wow!

Running a marathon not carrying anything versus running a marathon with a 20kg sack on your back – now, which might you prefer? Hah!

So to continue the article, first of all I wanna encourage people to just take a short moment to wonder: Hmm. Could I possibly have any baggage aka pent up energy accumulated within me? Or not?

If you have, perhaps you could just keep an eye out for any potential avenues to vent it all out! Thereby becoming oh so liberated!!

You know, just think about how loneliness has even become today’s world’s sleeper epidemic of sorts. Just Google it and you’ll find a lot of material.

Like, even salespeople use such techniques! For example, some people aren’t really given the proper attention of anyone. Thus, when even a mere salesperson comes up to them and pays them attention, they actually feeling so happy and fulfilled from that alone. Which, unfortunately, sometimes hooks them into unfavourable situations.

Hey, even calling someone by their names is something that they may teach in sales, because that helps the person to feel seen, and recognised, etcetera.

That’s the situation our world is in!

So, part of the purpose of I joining said group with the talking about issues activity in the first place, couldn’t I kinda say that it is to help better encourage, foster a world with greater warmth and closeness?

Now obviously, one of my preferred methods of related activities, honestly speaking, is more like to offer different perspectives. Potentially, that could!!! lead to a mindset breakthrough!

However, is it really as far as that goes?

Now, after yesterday’s incident, I have an additional avenue to consider. Hmm. Perhaps even being there for someone, seeing them, recognising them and letting them know that their problems are valid, basically just allowing them a medium to express and a sympathetic ear is already!! a super big thing you can do for them. Isn’t that right?

Just merely that alone helps to release energy and smoothen out the energetic system within like so much, for real!! Like, huh. It’s to the emotional-energetic side of ya what a massage is to the physical side! Like, seriously!!!

Going back to the aspect of helping people again, hmm, maybe you can even think of it this way. Think of the masculine side as wisdom and perspectives. Think of the feminine side as love and… affirming. Basically, sympathetically being there for someone and affirming them with just your mere presence alone, which serves to release everything that has been putting a block within them!

Yep. Maybe I can think of that as a future direction to have in future sessions. Even now already, I’m feeling super happy that this article, which I initially thought might be a pretty short journal entry of sorts, ultimately turned into a relatively okay lengthy enough article since so many things eventually could be expressed from it. Yay.

Alright, I deem that my use of time has been productive enough. Good!

Now I’ll just pop in one final thing to end off this article, okay. It’s not related to the topic anymore, so you can skip if you want.

So basically, I previously mentioned that I was doing this Enneagram song project, 1 type 1 song. Link to lyrics be this… Anyway! So I just wanna say that I project myself to be finishing up the final song today, and then I’ll be doing up the album cover and releasing that one too, yeah! And with the project over, what I’ll probably be doing, music-wise, is to better up my music skills, to deliver better quality songs!

I don’t know, it’s partially because I am free and have been finding things to do with my time yeah! Stuff that I give my thumbs up to!

Alright with that, good job me. I’m really satisfied and content for article no.1 of this week, yay. I’ve still got it in me, yoohoo! Bye!

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