
4 ways to see self-love as a self-evident truth (more for good people)

Hi y’all! I’m posting this article 1 day earlier than usual today because I have some water activities scheduled for tomorrow. Now this article is more to empower the good people amongst us, but please read by all means even if you don’t find yourself that great! You may find something which helps!!!

Alright, let’s begin.

  1. Think of how far you’ve come

So, the thing about life is that we automatically view it by the segment we’re currently in. Like, think of life as a movie, made by one of those fast-moving strips of images that make it seems as though there is this storyline and plot occurring.

Now, the way our minds work is that we’re only able to see the strip that we’re currently on by default! To remember those past strips which we have traversed already, we actually need to actively think about it. A result of this is – we tend to easily forget how far we’ve come!!!

Let’s say for example that life punched you hard in the gut and you fell way, way down from the place that you were before. Then you had to slowly climb back up, well, unless you wanna wallow and feel sorry, pity yourself. Which you eventually got tired of, because suffering sucks!

Now, so you climbed back up staunchly, bravely, surpassing other people’s expectations time and time again. Fearlessly, you took back your life with your own hands. And if you think of it as a staircase, ho! From the very bottom of it, now you’re like way up!!

Even so, the way life is simply is that it has both ups and downs. Sometimes, you may go through a rough patch and may not be all that great…

But hey! So what? Should you go wallow in your misery and feel sorry for yourself? Well… I think not. Instead, try this. Picture how not so long ago, you’d topped way off the entire staircase and even had to clamber painstakingly back to its base! Then you had to start your ascension from the very bottom!

Compared to that, how far you’ve come!

So I feel this is kind of like an extreme example already, but yeah.

For milder examples, just look back at the past. Now since you’re a good person, you’d probably have put in a lot of effort, and therefore you’ve naturally grown. So, the nature of life is such that there are ups and downs. Really, it’s only inevitable that you’re facing a down now!

Seriously remember this! You’re a great person who strives and grows! You put in the effort. Everyone can see the purity of your heart, the tenacity of your soul. Give yourself a pat on the back and a tiny, freaking medal already yo!

You’re worth so much. You’re worth so, so much.

2. Think of how you have those qualities others lack

So, good person. Now going through life, not everything is smooth-sailing! Sometimes, others might do you wrong to some degree, and then you’ll have to live with it and let go of all attachments, not being weighed down by it.

For example, you are someone who really value deep connections. Still, not everyone is like that! While you always, always make the effort and abide by the rules of reciprocity, let’s say that someone ghosts you all of a sudden one day! And that you get upset about it because you really valued that connection! Wow!

Now how about this? Think of how that person did you wrong, aka the ghosting they did. Now think of how you would never ever ghost anyone and always, always reply messages super promptly.

Like, yeah!! Rather of thinking of their lack, think of your possessing it! You would not ever cause anyone to undergo such a distressing situation as you did, and you’ll definitely end up with someone of the same ilk who reciprocates, knows your worth and affirms your value! Yep!

Okay, let me think of another example to cover more bases… hmm.

Right. So let’s say someone judges you. They say: Huh! You’re so proud! So arrogant! Huh! I don’t wanna have anything to do with ya!

But hey! You know that in truth, you’re actually a really really humble person! Like, seriously!!!

So what do you do? Do you feel sad over this connection that cannot come to fruition and their opinion of you?

No! So if we utilise said strategy I have, it’ll instead play out this way. Well! I know I am not an arrogant person! No! If anything, I’m really like super, super open-minded and I never ever judge anybody! Like ever! Before me, everyone is perfectly free to be themselves!

See? That way, instead of focusing on the negatives and feeling bad about it, you’re focusing on the positives and feeling good about it! Heyy friend! You’re a good person so really know your worth and appreciate it yo!!!

Hey, why should the flaws of others cause you to feel bad? It just defies logic and rationality!! No, instead, those blessed qualities of yours should cause you to feel good!

3. Think of how even having this problem is already amazing

The next strategy for good person to remember their self-love is this!

Now, you have a problem that troubles you. But heyy! Think of it this way! Just having this problem already kind of shows how you are an amazing person yo!!!

For example, let’s say you go volunteering overseas and try to help some destitute village. However, the villagers are all very closed off and guarded and wary. And you feel bad! Hey, friends! In truth I really wanna help you guys! Can ya not tread with so much caution?

Really, like seriously. Just having this problem itself already goes to show just how great of a person you are! You have a really big heart and that’s why you went off trying to help people! Don’t make yourself feel bad because they can’t really accept you so readily. You’re really truly amazing, like for reals!!!

And just like the previous strategies, I’m gonna think of another example to cover more bases… alright.

Now, imagine this. You’re someone who funds a community out of your own pocket. If not for you, this community would not exist, and you think this is a really meaningful community that gives aid to a lot of people. Yet sometimes, you hold sessions, but no one turns up!

Oh wait, hold off. That’s just the previous example all over again. Hmm.

But in any case, you just do something for other people but your efforts instead seem to go unappreciated. Aw…

But hey! Just think of it this way. That you even resolved yourself and did all that in the first place already speaks volumes!!! about you as a good person! You shouldn’t feel bad! No! You should literally feel so dang good about yourself!!! Like, for realz!

Alright, done. And now on to the final strategy…

4. Remember your baseline state

Now, this strategy is more for when you’re really, really feeling quite down. It isn’t something that you can about utilising in normal times!! Nevertheless…

Anyway, so.

Now, as a good person, for some reason, even in your very worst times or so-called ‘baseline state’, you’re still a really good person!

Like, for instance, whenever other people are nearby, you put up a strong front because you like good vibes and don’t want them to worry…

Or like, say, think about how your first!! instinct is seriously literally never, ever to complain but more about how to properly fulfil all your responsibilities that you are committed to! Like, no matter what, doing that is something you’d never, ever compromise unless you really really simply just cannot do it!

Or… hmm. Like, just how some people’s first instinct is just to complain but yours is to be all self-critical and like ‘what more can I do’ or ‘where else can I improve’…

Or how you never ever intentionally create bad vibes, no matter what!!!

Well! Friend! In that case, you’re a really really good person and a real gift to the world. The world is really really blessed to have you. Really truly love yourself, please!!! Because with you around the way you are, the world is literally a better place!

See, like sometimes, I really, really notice that good people don’t take credit where it’s due. Like because this is simply their baseline state, the way they are. They simply can’t be any way else! And so they take it for granted… Yeah, good people can literally take themselves for granted!

Like, whew! How does that even work?!! People seriously need to commend and love them even more!


Anyway, with that, I’m done with expounding on the positives of good people and how they can love themselves more! And I seriously think that others most certainly should!!! love them more as well! Love to y’all!

All the best, and have great lives! If we ever do cross paths, will try to appreciate you as much as possible 🙂

Dang, this article was fun. Hah.

Daimon out!

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