
The power of the one – A theory of existence

Life is not a bed of roses. Is that an understatement? Maybe. In fact, I find that it’s pretty uninformative on top of being cliched. If you ask me, I’d put it this way: Life is full of things that disappoint and could just be better. Does this sound kinda gloomy and depressing? In all […]


How to achieve fulfilment in life – a case study

How does one achieve fulfilment in life? Many years ago, I theorised that happiness and fulfilment are the factors for a good life. Still, the two are not as easily attainable as that. Happiness, I believe, hinges primarily on your environment – that is, if you are surrounded by people you enjoy and are materially […]


What we embrace, what we avoid – A humanistic view

Have you heard of hedonism? Basically, it is the theory that we (human beings) seek pleasure and avoid pain. How true do you think this is? Personally, I am of the view that hedonism is too simplistic and only able to account for a part of the story. What do I mean by this? Let’s […]