
4 self-love tips to all the selfless hard workers out there

Hey there! Today I’ll be writing about self-love, particularly for those selfess hard workers who are very responsible and dedicated and don’t really know how to properly calm down and relax! That is because the first thought that comes into their minds is always what more they could possibly do for the sake of service. […]


4 cool ways to transmute your esp. negative experiences

Alright! Today I’m going to be talking about something which is slightly more on the obscure side, so I don’t know if y’all have heard of it before… But anyway! I’m gonna briefly summarise it now. So, in simple spiritualspeak, high vibration, or vibes, is linked with positivity and good, whereas low vibration is linked […]


4 ways to see self-love as a self-evident truth (more for good people)

Hi y’all! I’m posting this article 1 day earlier than usual today because I have some water activities scheduled for tomorrow. Now this article is more to empower the good people amongst us, but please read by all means even if you don’t find yourself that great! You may find something which helps!!! Alright, let’s […]


Life: Excavate, Refine, Arise

Hey all! Today, I’ll muse a bit on life as usual. Now, something I firmly believe is that everyone is unique and valuable in their own way. Everyone has got their own strengths and weaknesses. Now surely it would be best to shore up those weaknesses somewhat to the point where they’re not a nuisance, […]


Attention is the currency of life, perspective its lens

Let’s start off with some simple metaphysics today. Now if you think about it, the currency of life is really none other than attention. See, we are always conscious, and then we place our attention and focus on stuff. It’s something we just can’t help but do unless you’re a dang pro monk who can […]


How to live a balanced life: Being vs doing

In recent days, I’ve come to grasp that there are two distinct modes in life and its activities. One is being, and the other doing. Let’s take a quick look at them. First of all, I gotta say that these two modes in life are closely interlinked and related to the two energies I mentioned […]


The meaning of life and how to master it

Today, I’ll be revisiting and expanding on a rather old-school topic – what is the meaning of life? Still, with all my life experiences in recent years, I’m confident of having a decent shot at answering it! Alright, let’s go! Hmm, if you ask a spiritual person this, they might straightforwardly in your face say […]


The one resting state that brings rest to the weary

This article is about life y’all, so read on and you might learn something! 🙂 Are you someone who tries to achieve your highest potential in life? If so, you’ll probably feel weary at times. After all, you’re always striving, striving. Am I really maxing things out? Is there still more than I can do? […]


The single-minded masculine, the all-encompassing feminine and on balancing them

Have you ever heard of the terms masculine and feminine energies? Like, it may be true that men tend to gravitate more towards the former and women the latter, but it really isn’t definite and clear-cut like that! In truth, everyone possesses a mixture of both masculine and feminine energies to differing degrees, and this […]


The abiding state and how to master your state of being

Have you ever heard of the abiding state? Well, as for where I heard it from, it’s like a spirituality thing where some really advanced people feel bliss like literally all the time, not just when undergoing meditation or whatnot. But let’s not talk about that. That’s a bit too high of a hurdle for […]